black desert online

See: Black Desert

E3 2018: Hands-on with the superb (and hopefully Switch-bound) Black Desert Mobile

While I've had kind words to say about the potential for mobile in the past - particularly MMOARGs - I just haven't been able...
Boy, aren't you in a hurry.

Pearl Abyss might be hiring for a Black Desert Southeast Asia localization

It's always tricky to suss out unannounced plans for a developer from nothing more than job postings, but that's never stopped anyone before. Pearl...
Shh, you'll scare the food.

Black Desert GM punishes a player with a writing assignment

The hard part about being a GM has to be when you're dealing with a certain brand of player. You know the sort; they're...

Massively OP’s guide to the 2016 MMORPG winter holidays

It's time to get all snuggly in front of a crackling fire, roast up some chestnuts, down a gallon of hot chocolate, and log...
Swing like you mean it.

Black Desert plans to roll out all Awakenings by the end of the year

Whatever your choice of class in Black Desert, you have an Awakening waiting. The game's native Korean version has been steadily rolling out Awakening...
In hindsight, this was a bad decision.

Black Desert’s biggest bot creator is being sued by Daum

The maker of the most popular bot for Black Desert has been forced to take his creation offline following a lawsuit started by Daum's...

E3 2016: Black Desert on PvP, sieges, and lessons learned

Though Daum didn't have a booth at this year's E3, I managed to snag some time with Black Desert PR/Marketing Manager Rick van Beem. Given some of the...

Desert Nomad: The misplaced individuality of Black Desert

Hello, friends, and welcome back at long last to another installment of Desert Nomad. I'm very sorry to have kept you all waiting during...

Desert Nomad: The Nomad’s guide to Black Desert

Hello friends, and welcome to a new installment of Choose My Adv-- HA HA, PSYCH! This puppet's strings have been cut, suckers! No longer...

First impressions of Black Desert’s closed beta test, part two: Crafting, gathering, and economy

On Friday, I took a look at the classes, combat, and tricky mechanics of upcoming sandboxy Korean-import Black Desert's first western closed beta test....
I can see you now.

First impressions of Black Desert’s closed beta test: Classes, combat, and mechanics

Over the course of my first day in Black Desert, I did a lot of the things you'd expect from the first day in...