blizzard entertainment

Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.


Massively Overthinking: Paying for MMORPG emulators, legal or otherwise

MassivelyOp reader Bryan recently wrote to us with a fun question about emulators, a topic that will simply never die as long as MMORPGs...

Earn gobs of free Hearthstone packs for Witchwood expansion

Even if your knees are too weak to think about venturing into Hearthstone's upcoming Witchwood expansion, you might want to venture out of your...
Theoretically there's a non-jerk version of this out there, but...

MMO studios form Justice League-style alliance to combat toxicity

After years of trying to crack the serious issue of negative behavior and toxicity among their individual communities, 30 game studios and industry leaders are...

Perfect Ten: Why MMO progression servers are a brilliant idea

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been enjoying the journey through RIFT Prime, the game's first progression server. Trion Worlds surprised and...

GDC 2018: Rend is looking to ‘WoW’ the survival genre

I'm already old and bitter when it comes to survival games. I've killed zombies, dinosaurs, infected bears, maybe even infected dinosaurs, and people. Lots of...

Vivendi has sold its stock in Ubisoft, giving up on its hostile takeover

Winners never quit, we're told. So what does that mean in light of Vivendi divesting itself of Ubisoft shares? The investment in Ubisoft (well-known...

Brigitte smashes into Overwatch

She's buff, she's beautiful, and she's bringing her modern-day squire style into the realm of Overwatch. She's Brigitte, the goddaughter of Reinhardt Wilhelm who fancies herself...
I return, you're served!

Heroes of the Storm puts Fenix up for testing

If you've been waiting for the day when you could have a Dragoon storming the battlefield in Heroes of the Storm, the time has...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 162: The Morninglight wants you

Justin and Bree discuss Project Gorgon, RIFT, Trove, Secret World Legends' South Africa, ArcheAge's progression servers, Black Desert on Xbox One, World of Warcraft, and Bless, with mailbag entries on classic Guild Wars and RIFT Prime.

GDC 2018: Game developers push for unionization in Game Workers Unite

Back in 2016, we covered the voice actors guild strike against multiple game companies in its an attempt to secure better compensation and working...

GDC 2018: Hearthstone’s Witchwood goes monster hunting

Massively OP is at GDC 2018 this year, and like Hearthstone, we're kicking things off with a bang: with monster hunting! No, not the dino-esque...

Leaderboard: Do you speculate on WoW Tokens or other legal MMO RMT currency?

Is Call of Duty the next Activision franchise to migrate to Battlenet? Very likely. As Eurogamer broke earlier this month, players are now able...

The MOP Up: Enter the Phantom Halls — if you dare! (March 18, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Don’t you forget about me

I think that we can all agree that Hirku seems like he'd be a pretty fun-loving dude to hang out with in World of...

The Game Archaeologist: World of Warcraft’s Corrupted Blood pandemic

It began with an exploitable glitch. It exploded into an uncontained nightmare of death. It established a meme as strong as Leeroy Jenkins. It...
But who will her girlfriend be?

Blizzard teases decks in Hearthstone and characters in Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm

It's time for a whole lot of new characters to smash into the fray in Blizzard's various multiplayer offerings. Hearthstone doesn't have characters, per...

World of Warcraft confirms that Mag’har Orcs and Kul Tiran Humans are joining the allied races

The rumors and speculation are true, according to the most recent World of Warcraft live Q&A. Ion Hazzikostas revealed that both Mag'har and Kul...

Massively Overthinking: The war on MMO chat toxicity

This week, The Ancient Gaming Noob posted up an image of RIFT Prime, where Trion asks people to... play nice. "Just a neighborly reminder...
Don't call it a comeback.

WoW Factor: The Kul Tiran Druid ‘problem’ in World of Warcraft

One of the important things to note about World of Warcraft lore is that it's never been static. It will retcon itself six ways...
Burn it, sure.

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth opens up island expeditions for testing

One of the big features of World of Warcraft's next expansion is available for testing now, the island expeditions. If you've wondered what it'll...