
Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

It's the final showdown.

World of Warcraft hosts a massive roleplaying event to celebrate the defeat of the Legion

If you think about World of Warcraft's Moon Guard server, you probably make some jokes about ERP in Goldshire and move on with your...
The Quick and the Gay

Best not be toxic on YouTube, Overwatch players, because Blizzard is watching you

Back in 2013, when Linda "Brasse" Carlson still fronted SOE's community branch, she made headlines for making SOE's anti-toxicity policies very clear. "If we...

Alganon has been offline for two months, is now owned by Derek Smart’s 3000AD

Nine years ago on Massively-that-was, we began covering the MMORPG known as Alganon - you'll recall it as a bit of a World of...

The MOP Up: Aion makes a date with the Divine Fortress (January 28, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Flying lessons

Massively OP Readers, you are clear for take-off. Please cross-check the cabin, assume flight positions, and break out the best aerial screenshots you have....

Massively Overthinking: Considering pay-to-win MMO peripherals

MOP reader and commenter Sally Bowls recently sent along a link to an insanely awesome 34" monitor that costs more than a lot of...

The Game Archaeologist: Fallen Age

Imagine that one day you wake up, stumble to your computer, and check in on the morning news. Among the various tidbits is a...
Going nowhere, going nowhere

World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth collectors editions, game datamining

When can we start playing allied races in World of Warcraft? Probably as soon as we can pre-purchase Battle for Azeroth, based on current...

Leaderboard: Are you playing on Age of Conan’s new ‘saga’ server?

Age of Conan's Saga of Zath server officially launched yesterday, drawing fresh attention back to the game that Funcom maintenance-moded by proxy last year...

WoW Factor: The debate over World of Warcraft’s refer-a-friend nerf

Ah, another day and another thing to enrage people in World of Warcraft. Last time, it was that the Allied Race unlocks might (will)...
Burn it, sure.

World of Warcraft lays out its class adjustment paradigm for Battle for Azeroth

When Legion was on the way, World of Warcraft had a whole series of explanations about the broad and varied changes coming to every...
Oh well.

SuperData December 2017: Fortnite and PUBG kick butt, while Destiny 2 slumps

SuperData's December 2017 global revenue chart is out, and it's good news for the industry on the whole, as holiday spending was up by...

Jukebox Heroes: World of Warcraft’s best music, part 1

A week ago, I started to engage in an interesting thought experiment. I started jotting down what I thought were the best World of...

Perfect Ten: Major MMO expansions and updates to expect in 2018

Now that we're almost 1/12th of the way through 2018, it's probably about time to stop anticipating the year and start experiencing it. We...

Fulfill your postal fantasies in World of Warcraft’s secret quest chain

Blizzard has a habit of sneaking in semi-secret content into its patches for the community to discover, and this time around, it's all about...
That is definitely a thing.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 154: A Prime experiment

Justin and Bree discuss Trion's big RIFT and Devilian news, Camelot Unchained's $7.5M investment, Darkfall New Dawn's launch, and layoffs for Albion and Elyria, with a mailbag question on what went wrong with WildStar.

Overwatch’s BlizzardWorld map and skin bonanza are live

As I type this, my husband is sitting in an Overwatch queue grumbling over "unexpected server error occurred": Yep, it's a Blizzard patch day! Assuming...

Trademarks, copyrights, and patents: What they mean for you and for video games

Has the pace of news moved so quickly that we've already forgotten about Brendan "PlayerUnknown" Greene's statement that video games lack any IP copyright...
Big help.

Blizzard Korea helps Seoul cyber crime police arrest 13 Overwatch hackers and cheaters

The MOP comment crew was understandably creeped out by last week's news that Tencent was going after PlayerUnknown's Battleground cheaters by working with the...

World of Warcraft Refer-a-Friend experience boost gutted to match Heirloom leveling speed

So, were all of the experience boosts you had in World of Warcraft there to get your character to max level as quickly as...