cataclysm classic

World of Warcraft Classic goes into its final Cataclysm phase today with Hour of Twilight

Whether you love it or hate it, WoW Cataclysm Classic is on the way out the door. But before it trades places with a...

WoW Cataclysm Classic outlines currency conversions and updates happening this week

This Tuesday, February 18th, will see a fresh patch to WoW Cataclysm Classic, which is bringing with it some changes to currencies and rewards...

WoW Classic expounds upon Cataclysm’s content rollout next week

If you aren't being distracted by Retail's Pandaria Remix, perhaps you'll take a further step back with next week's launch of Cataclysm in WoW...

WoW Classic hosts a ‘welcome back weekend’ with free play through May 13 for Cataclysm’s pre-patch

These days, it feels as if World of Warcraft is trying to make you choose whether you want to live with WoW Classic or...

Blizzard recaps #SomeChanges coming in today’s WoW Classic’s Cataclysm prepatch

Everyone's long since given up on #NoChanges, right? We've all just accepted that World of Warcraft Classic was never #NoChanges and was always going...

Casually Classic: Is it worth playing into World of Warcraft’s Cataclysm Classic?

Do you know that feeling of flipping through cable channels or endless Netflix menus only to suspect there's nothing on that would hit the...

Casually Classic: 12 quality-of-life improvements coming with Cataclysm Classic

I'm in a very strange place in relation to the upcoming Cataclysm Classic. I kind of didn't want this expansion to happen at all for...
hey girl

World of Warcraft 2024 roadmaps herald summer War Within beta and Cataclysm Classic

We're just about at the end of 2023, and that means World of Warcraft's various server sets are looking forward to what will be...

The Soapbox: In defence of World of Warcraft Cataclysm

When Blizzard announced Cataclysm Classic servers for World of Warcraft, there was some bemusement in the broader MMORPG community. Cataclysm has always been controversial,...

Blizzard is considering WoW Classic Cataclysm, according to new survey

We are not even to the official launch of Wrath Classic, but Blizzard Entertainment apparently is already considering the next steps for the legacy...