
Three nutjobs are better than one.

Wakfu explains Companies and the foundations behind its new Hero system

Why control just one character when you can control three? That's the core of Wakfu's new Heroes system, and the latest development blog explains...
Very smooth.

Guild Wars 2 teases the Revenant elite specialization without much subtlety

The upcoming Revenant will have an elite specialization in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns just like the other professions in the game. What...
Let's do this old gag again.

Gamescom 2015: Blizzard answers more World of Warcraft: Legion questions

Everyone who cares about World of Warcraft wants to know more about Legion, even though the details are likely to remain vague for the...
Storming of the hero.

Gamescom 2015: Blizzard shows off new heroes and maps for Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the Storm players are going to have quite a bit to look forward to in the near future. The game's newest map,...
Losing in a way that's incidentally the same as not in fact losing at all.

League of Legends does not in fact kill off Gangplank for real at all

Just a few days ago, dear reader, we wrote to you about how League of Legends had done something novel by killing off the...

Find out the secrets of Marvel Heroes’ Ant-Man

Marvel Heroes' 49th hero, Ant-Man, will be coming to the game soon to coincide with the character's theatrical debut. While the game's been selling...
this isn't sad at all alexa play dogsong

Overwatch unveils the mysterious Soldier: 76

The big lore dump for Overwatch yesterday did not come from nowhere. Hot on the heels of that article connecting the mysterious Soldier: 76 to the...
Good work, great idea.

Overwatch shows off the heights of Pharah’s abilities

Overwatch's Pharah is a pretty straightforward character in terms of play philosophy. She has a rocket launcher, jump jets, and a wrist rocket to...

Overwatch shows off the turret-building gameplay of Torbjörn

Torbjörn, aside from having a name that's very satisfying to type when you're familiar with Unicode inputs, is a simple kind of guy. He...
Gothier than thou.

See Overwatch’s Reaper in all of his dark, billowing action

Reaper's life in Overwatch is pretty difficult. His whole schtick is being dark and mysterious and wraithly and so forth, but that can't work well...
Where the 'hood at.

The Daily Grind: What MMO characters have you unexpectedly loved?

I made my Crab Spider in City of Heroes primarily because I wanted to have someone as a spider. My character concept for her...
Drawing on the rick history of scholarly dudes built like professional bodybuilders.

Heroes of the Storm confirms Kael’thas and promises a Reddit Q&A

Good news, Blizzard fans! Kael'thas Sunstrider has been confirmed as the next hero being added to Heroes of the Storm. Now you can entertain...
Well, I mean... all right.

Ghost in the Shell Online shows off game modes and characters

The first beta test for Ghost in the Shell Online is just around the corner, and it's going to feature a lot of shooting....

PAX East 2015: Overwatch aims for fall beta, introduces two new characters

Blizzard is breaking out the big guns for Overwatch -- in more than one sense of that term. The studio announced at PAX East...