Final Fantasy XIV Heavensward update: Job and racial lore
The official teaser site for Final Fantasy XIV's first expansion, Heavensward, has gotten a big update today. If you've been sitting on the edge...
Black Desert demos its new Valkyrie class
Eager to take a look at the newest class being added to Black Desert? The fine folks at Steparu have posted a trailer demonstrating...
The Daily Grind: What sort of characters do you have a tendency to play?
As a roleplayer, I have a lot of different character types that I've played, lots of different archetypes and the like. However, taking any...
Black Desert’s new class is a Valkyrie Shield Maiden
Black Desert's Korean beta test is getting a new class this month, according to a translation at Steparu. The fantasy sandbox is scheduled to...
Crowfall teases female Ranger archetype
ArtCraft has posted a Crowfall week-at-a-glance update that contains plenty of interesting nuggets. Chief among them is the reveal of the female Ranger archetype....
ArcheAge producer examines the Archon class
Trion's latest ArcheAge PR push centers around "underplayed off-meta PvP builds that synergize exceptionally well with the introduction of Secrets of Ayanad." The first...
EverQuest II is testing class balance updates
EverQuest II's latest producer's letter is a bit lower key than previous entries, perhaps, but no less vital for it. The letter outlines new...
Skyforge unveils its 13 launch day classes
A given character in Skyforge can explore all of the game's classes, and advancing in one class helps bolster progress in other classes as...
Skyforge previews the Lightbinder
Skyforge enters its second phase of closed beta tomorrow, with more classes to explore and more regions open to players. If you've taken part...
Skyforge begins second closed beta on March 24th
If the first week-long test of Skyforge just whetted your appetite, you'll be able to get a second helping very soon. The game is...
Crowfall walks you through the life of your character
Today Crowfall treated its fans to a whopper of a dev diary detailing the path of progression that a character will take from a...
Sword and Bored: Class selection
Our fearless protagonist, Mo Powers, loads into the class selection screen. Might he roll an Entertainer?
Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s Revenant
It might be premature, but I'm pretty sure that the Revenant is my favorite profession in Guild Wars 2. And strangely, it's because it...
Check out a video tour of Guild Wars 2’s Revenant
Are you looking forward to the newest addition to Guild Wars 2's class lineup, the Revenant? Do you stay awake at night wishing that...
The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO character for PvP?
I've been spending my gaming time lately PvPing in Guild Wars 2 in an attempt to reinkindle my old obsession with World of Warcraft battleground-style...