Chaos Theory: 2017 was a big year for the Secret World IP
Well, 2017 was interesting. It's not often that your favorite game starts off as one game at the beginning of the year and then...
Wisdom of Nym: Actual outdated content in Final Fantasy XIV
As we start down the road through 2018, I feel it's important and appropriate to look at the content in Final Fantasy XIV that...
LOTRO Legendarium: Looking back at the road we traveled in 2017
"The road goes ever on" is one of the most well-known phrases from Lord of the Rings, alluding to the ongoing journey of the...
EverQuesting: Frostfell blues and end of the year news for EverQuest II
Snow? Check. Good cheer? Check. Catchy tunes everywhere? Checkity check. Goblins and gigglegibbers in goofy get-ups? Great big check. New guide? Er...
Yes, it's Frostfell...
Wisdom of Nym: Looking ahead to Final Fantasy XIV’s 2018
It's not quite 2018 yet, but it will be next week. That means we have a whole year of Final Fantasy XIV to enjoy,...
Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s 2017 year-end report card
I love the Bartle Taxonomy; it's been around for a long time, and it's still relevant today. This is why when I am given...
EVE Evolved: 2017 EVE Online year in review
We've reached the end of another year, and it's certainly been a busy one for EVE Online. This year saw heavy gameplay iteration, with...
Perfect Ten: 20 multiplayer games to watch in 2018
A couple of weeks ago I covered 20(ish) MMORPGs that we are looking forward to seeing develop, test, and launch in 2018. But as...
The most popular Massively OP MMO articles of 2017
One of my favorite things to do every year is drill down the top articles on the site for our readers. I don't mean...
Flameseeker Chronicles: A Guild Wars 2 2017 column retrospective
Welcome along to a rather festive retrospective in which I sum up 2017 for both Guild Wars 2 and Flameseeker Chronicles! A large glass of...
Jukebox Heroes: MMO carols for your gaming joy
If someone -- and we are not necessarily suggesting you -- were to create an MMO Christmas carol album, what songs would be included?...
The ultimate guide to The Game Archaeologist’s MMO archives
When we moved over here to Massively Overpowered, some of us transplanted our long-running columns to the new space. I perhaps felt most devastated...
WoW Factor: Do World of Warcraft’s allied race requirements make sense?
We still do not know exactly when World of Warcraft will make allied races playable. What we do know is that it sure as...
Hyperspace Beacon: A six-year retrospective of Star Wars The Old Republic
Happy birthday, Star Wars: The Old Republic. I don't think your birthday has actually ever fallen on the same day that my article released,...
Jukebox Heroes: The 2017 Online Video Game Music Awards
Oh, I can hear all of you out there, mewing with frustration that Massively OP hasn't yet announced the truly important awards yet this...
Chaos Theory: Guide to Secret World Legends’ first Krampusnacht
While many games go festive for the holiday season, no one does it quite like Secret World Legends. Cutesy doesn't quite fit here, but...
Wisdom of Nym: Taking a peek at Final Fantasy XIV’s next patch
Gosh, I feel sort of bad for the person whose job it was to make the next Final Fantasy XIV fan festival reveal seem...
MMO Mechanics: 2017’s MMO Mechanics in review
I cannot quite believe that we're saying goodbye to 2017 and ringing in 2018 so quickly: It certainly doesn't feel as though an entire...
The Game Archaeologist: Revisiting the first three months of World of Warcraft
Were you there?
Many of us were. Many weren't. Either way, November 23rd, 2004 was a watershed date for the MMORPG industry and one watched...
WoW Factor: The fate of WoW’s class orders post-Legion, part 1
In the lull between expansions, I've been hard at work bringing my alts up to the level cap, unlocking all of the class mounts,...