
Chaos Theory: Loot bags and golems galore for The Secret World’s fourth birthday

There may have been moments over the past 12 months when fans feared this time would never come, but it has: Happy fourth birthday, The Secret World! It's...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s clear message of indifference for its most loyal players

I don't like to rant. I like my opinions to be measured and thoughtful. But sometimes I need to cut loose and let something...

Wisdom of Nym: The fullness of Final Fantasy XIV until October

We know now that patch 3.35 and the Deep Dungeon will be landing on July 19th. That's a little bit later than I had...

Guild Chat: Successfully merging MMORPG guilds

Welcome along to Guild Chat, the column in which we gather together to help a reader in need solve his or her guild-related quandary....

The Game Archaeologist: Dark Age of Camelot

Today, we take a trip to England, but not the England of our timeline. No, this is the England-That-Could-Have-Been, the England of King Arthur,...

WoW Factor: The hope I have for Legion

Every week, in Final Fantasy XI, the three main player nations are competing in a form of passive PvP known as conquest. The nation...

Perfect Ten: MMO novel tie-ins

When I was a kid and only slightly more nerdy than I am today, I used to read movie novelizations like crazy. I don't...

EverQuesting: Landmark is offering new races – for a price

I knew that new races would eventually come to Landmark! From the beginning it didn't make any sense to me that Daybreak would ignore something...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Re-engaging lost Guild Wars 2 players

I recently read an interesting opinion piece by Jason Winter that got me thinking about the general sense of apathy that he believes is...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Matt Firor on One Tamriel, Cyrodiil PvP, and housing

For many of us at Massively OP, Elder Scrolls Online won E3, if that’s really a thing, but that's partly because all ZeniMax Online Studios...
It's not just me, right?

Wisdom of Nym: The implications of Final Fantasy XIV’s E3 content

I am honestly fairly sure that I know where the entrance to to the Deep Dungeon will lie when it comes out in July....

The Game Archaeologist talks to the Asheron’s Call super-fan

A little while back, I received a rather passionate email from Massively OP reader Diego regarding Asheron's Call. He had quite a lot to...

Ask Mo: Was Star Wars Galaxies really that great?

This round of Ask Mo features a question from BalsBigBrother that I've shamelessly poached from the Massively OP Podcast mailbag. The truth is, we've...

Jukebox Heroes: MMO victory fanfares

Interestingly enough, there are a few types of video game music that don't often pop up in MMORPGs for various reasons. One of these...

Chaos Theory: Happy handstands for Funcom’s funding

Things are looking up! I don't know about you, but I'm certainly feeling more relief-- and not just a little extra excitement -- when...
Still proud of this shot.

Perfect Ten: Complaints about Final Fantasy XIV’s Heavensward, one year later

It's hard to believe that it's actually been an entire year since Final Fantasy XIV's first expansion launched. At the time, I played it...

Hyperspace Beacon: Seven things you didn’t know about SWTOR’s SCORPIO

Knights of the Fallen Empire has truly changed the storytelling ways of Star Wars: The Old Republic. And even though it’s popular to flame the game...
My track record has been pretty good!

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 3.3 in review, part two

Between all of the stuff in patch 3.3 and the plethora of reveals from this year's E3, my cup runs over with parts of...

MMO Mechanics: Zonation and scaling mechanics in MMORPGs

The recent E3 hubub about The Elder Scrolls Online new level syncing mechanics being extended has got me thinking all about the mechanics behind zones in MMOs,...

The Game Archaeologist: The Shadow of Yserbius

Really, I blame my parents for not being filthy rich. If they had been, we could've afforded the $130/month unlimited subscription fee to the ImagiNation...