
Ascent the Space Game

The Daily Grind: Which MMO was better than you expected?

I've been dabbling in Ascent: The Space Game here lately, even though I keep telling myself that I'm done with early access titles. It's...
Test pattern.

H1Z1’s senior designer maps out the next 12 months

H1Z1 senior game designer Adam Clegg hosts Daybreak's latest dev spotlight video. Clegg, who works mainly on world design, fields a number of community-generated...

One Shots: A clear commute

Sometimes simple can be beautiful. I don't know what it is, exactly, that attracts me to this week's title pic, but I think its...

The Daily Grind: What’s Funcom’s secret project?

When Funcom's Joel Bylos casually announced this week that he was moving on from his role as game director of The Secret World to...

The Game Archaeologist: Ten more facts of EverQuest life circa 1999

A couple of weeks ago I shared with you several stories from EverQuest veterans about what life in the game was like back then....

The Secret World begins its epic forum game with a plea for help

A new forum game is afoot over at The Secret World, as one of the in-game characters, the Stationmaster, posted a cry for help...

WRUP: Two hundred twenty-nine

Welcome back to What Are You Playing, the game where we tell you what we're playing this weekend and then tell you the number...

Hearthstone celebrates its first birthday

Hats and helms off to Hearthstone, as the Warcraft-themed online card game is one year old this week. The team is encouraging the community...

EVE Fanfest will be cold; EVE gets a new artbook

EVE Fanfest 2015 is coming in a little less than a week, and if you can't attend in person, you do have the option...

Pantheon devs release part two of lengthy audiocast

The Pantheon devs got together for a roundtable podcast on February 28th, and they released the second part of the audio clip yesterday. Creative...

The Daily Grind: What constitutes an ‘action combat MMO’?

In the course of organizing MOP's new tag database, I found myself looking for input on games to include in the "action combat" tab. I had...

Lineage II: Infinite Odyssey announced

Make room in the 2015 expansion pool because Lineage II is about to do a cannonball right into the middle of it. NCsoft announced today...
ESO patcher

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the worst patcher?

I went to patch my Elder Scrolls Online install yesterday. In and of itself, that's not really news. Fifteen hours later, though, it's still...

Director of Design Chris Whiteside leaves Guild Wars 2

Former Guild Wars 2 Director of Design Chris Whiteside has left ArenaNet to pursue other opportunities. While on a long roadtrip, Whiteside tweeted the news...

Global Chat: MMOs as grief therapy

We'll begin today's tour of community articles by touching on a rather somber (yet uplifting) note. Pixelkin wrote a great piece on how her...

PAX East 2015: Recapping the ‘Where Did Multiplayer in MMOs Go’ panel

The last time I was asked where the social aspects of MMOs went, I was pretty directly snarky: They're still there. And it's true, but...

One Shots: The face of doom

What would you do if you went up against a giant face intent on bringing forth your personal doom? I don't know about you,...
If you forget the fact that it was during the day and there were only the two of us and it wasn't outside by a wooden table it was exactly like this.

PAX East 2015: A chat with SOTA’s Richard Garriott

Richard Garriott casts a long shadow in the MMO industry, with Ultima Online serving as the first fully graphical MMO and ushering in the genre...


Welcome back to What Are You Playing, the game where we tell you what we're playing this weekend and you cackle madly with me, for I...

Fan leads the charge to revitalize Graal Online

Graal Online is not a game that gets much press at all -- nor ever did, sadly. And it's perhaps because of this that...