
More than you know.

The Division movie might be picking up big-name stars like Jessica Chastain

Back in June, we wrote about the upcoming The Division movie, which apparently has secured actor and real-life Disney prince Jake Gyllenhaal to both star...

EU gaming blogs seemingly confirm RIFT’s Starfall Prophecy expansion

Earlier this month, we wrote about a Trion Worlds video game software trademark filing for "Starfall Prophecy," which prompted speculation on whether that might...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 75: Future oracles

Justin and Bree discuss WoW, Guild Wars 2, Shards Online, LOTRO & DDO, FFXIV, Black Desert, and more, with a mailbag question on boosting GW2 characters.

Destiny delivers its final update to ‘legacy’ consoles

Before Destiny places its Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions in their own maintenance mode bubble, the online game has one final gift for the so-called...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2’s new Living Story has launched

Wowee, is it ever a massive day in the life of my favourite MMO! If you log in right now, you'll notice three greatly...
Living with you is a chore and a half.

Elder Scrolls Online previews update 11’s style parlor

The Elder Scrolls Online has a dev piece out this afternoon focused on the upcoming Style Parlor going live next week with update 11. "If...

Rumor: Firefall’s Red 5 Studios has suffered mass layoffs

Former Red 5 Studios employees are suggesting the company is in big trouble today. Community Manager FadedPez has apparently been discharged from the studio. Matt DeWald...

No Man’s Sky possibly delayed (again) on the PC

The last time No Man's Sky announced a launch delay, it caused no end of a ruckus on the internet from disgruntled fans. Now...
No, mine aren't changing, that's not what I'm actually saying here.

Final Fantasy XIV kicks off a five-day login campaign

Have you stepped away from Final Fantasy XIV for a bit? That's understandable. There are a lot of games out there to play, after...

No Man’s Sky will operate free of PlayStation Plus

One of the downsides to getting into online games on consoles is that you have to worry about whether or not the titles will...
I need healing.

Wisdom of Nym: Speculating about leveling in Final Fantasy XIV’s future

Speculating about the next Final Fantasy XIV expansion is something that I engage in quite a bit, but the fact is that there's an...

Defiance ditches its brand-new auction house

Easy come, easy go: Just two months after Defiance added a game-wide auction house, the title is now removing it entirely. According to Trion Worlds,...

The MOP Up: Planet of Heroes comes into orbit (July 24, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Strange voyages

As cool and iconic that Star Trek ships look, I've always thought they also came across as fragile, with pieces sticking out here and...

The Game Archaeologist: Sega’s 10six MMO

If you were to think of Sega and MMOs, chances are the only thing that would come to mind is the Phantasy Star Online franchise....
Oh, kai.

Final Fantasy XIV kicks off a Yo-kai Watch crossover on July 26th

At first glance, Final Fantasy XIV and Yo-kai Watch seem to be two tastes that go together like peanut butter and mayonnaise. But they're...
Back, back, back in time.

Star Trek Online is heading to Star Trek Las Vegas

Are you heading out to the City of Gin-Soaked Regrets (or "Las Vegas" as it's more commonly known) for Star Trek Las Vegas? Because...
Aw yeah.

Wisdom of Nym: Why I adore Final Fantasy XIV’s Deep Dungeon

Let me start by getting my biggest beef with the Palace of the Dead out of the way right off: I don't like the...
This is fine, we're fine, are you fine? Everyone's fine.

No Man’s Sky offers new trailer on trade

What's better than re-watching old trailers while waiting for No Man’s Sky to launch on the PS4 in a little over two weeks? How...

Massively Overthinking: The golden age of MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking is a serious one from our dear Patreon patron Duane. Here's the jumping off point for his topic: "There has lately...