
The Stream Team: Making friends with ARK’s mantas

MassivelyOP's MJ loves the water, and she loves making friends. So, what could be better than making friends in ARK's waters? Survival, you say?...
Try try try.

Ubisoft says it’s heard Division players’ anger over cheating ‘loud and clear’

Ubisoft has addressed the ongoing cheating concerns in The Division with a blog post to players today. "We have great plans for the future...

Elite: Dangerous plans Q2 Horizons and Engineers rollout for Xbox One

Frontier Developments announced today that Elite: Dangerous' Horizons season/expansion catch-up patch is on the way for Xbox One this quarter -- including the 2.0...

DCUO launches on Xbox One, previews the next three episodes

Surprise! After announcing at PAX East that DC Universe Online was coming to the Xbox One, Daybreak is launching the title on the console...
What is even happening now

Final Fantasy XIV previews patch 3.3 via live producer’s letter

The next Final Fantasy XIV patch doesn't have a release date yet, but it does have a fair amount of its content already revealed...
Work it over.

Massively Overthinking: Trinities and quaternities in MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic was inspired from Jake, who wrote in to us wondering about roles in MMORPG classes and group content: "What happened to roles?...
Wow, positive.

Perfect Ten: Ten City of Heroes systems every MMO should have stolen by now

Today, City of Heroes turns 12 years old. Except it doesn't; the game shut down three years ago, it never lived until it reached twelve,...
Under the city.

The Division’s cheating plague may be a result of its bad network model, consultant argues

The Division just can't catch a break. Glenn Fiedler, a former lead network programmer for Sony and Respawn and current games tech consultant, says that...

Elder Scrolls Online previews Dark Brotherhood DLC’s Anvil and Kvatch

The Dark Brotherhood DLC for The Elder Scrolls Online will feature new areas for players to explore, which is a good thing. No one...

EVE Fanfest 2016: Andie Nordgren on EVE Online’s Citadel expansion launch and beyond

EVE Online's highly anticipated Citadel expansion has now launched, adding a whole new class of player-built structures to the game for corporations to build...
They're big, you see.

Final Fantasy XI: May version update and Nexon’s mobile edition

Final Fantasy XI is doing a really terrible job of being in maintenance mode; the game's last story update was in November and it's...

Skyforge suffers Reapers’ Revenge, introduces controller support

Reapers' Revenge has come roaring into Skyforge at last, bringing with it several nice features and official support for controllers. Today's patch adds the first...

PlanetSide 2’s massive construction patch has deployed

PlanetSide 2's big patch today introduces a brand-new construction system for those patient enough to wait out the extra-long maintenance downtime. Entering the MMO...

EVE Fanfest 2016: CCP Falcon on Fanfest, the EVE community, and harassment

Over its almost 13 years of operation, sci-ci MMO EVE Online has gained a largely undeserved reputation for antisocial behaviour. EVE is built on...

How to get started as an assassin in Elder Scrolls Online’s Dark Brotherhood DLC

Elder Scrolls Online's upcoming Dark Brotherhood DLC might not be releasing until the end of May, but you can already sample it on the...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 62: EVE Fanfest and PAX East

Justin and Bree are joined by Brendan and Eliot for a full hour of EVE Fanfest and PAX East debriefing.

Tamriel Infinium: The Dark Brotherhood of Elder Scrolls Online

If any of you played the Dark Brotherhood quest in Skyrim, you likely thought very little of the Black Sacrament being performed by the...

The Division exploits send it ‘heading for catastrophe’

It's hard not to understate how bad the situation is in The Division right now. Over the last few weeks, stories and reports have...
Space! It exists, and stuff.

Elite’s latest patch fixes many Xbox issues, introduces Arena

While both the PC and Xbox One versions of Elite: Dangerous are getting a patch today, the one on the console is much meatier....

Take a look inside Paragon’s $59.99 Essentials Edition

Paragon's insane take on the MOBA field is set to go wide when the game hits open beta this summer. The specific date for...