E3 2022 will once more be an all-digital event in the face of COVID omicron surge
The omicron variant of COVID-19, which has been surging across the US to the tune of over 600K daily infections, has once again forced...
Massively on the Go: How to fix Pokemon Go’s longstanding player safety failures
This article is part four of a four-piece series on safety in Pokemon Go as well as other Niantic games. You can read all...
Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go actually nerfed its own support rather than help players
This article is part three of a four-piece series on safety in Pokemon Go as well as other Niantic games. You can read all...
Massively on the Go: How Pokemon Go support fails MMOARG stalking victims
This article is part two of a four-piece series on safety in Pokemon Go as well as other Niantic games. You can read all...
Massively on the Go: How Niantic evades handling stalking and harassment in Pokemon Go and other ARGs
This article is part one of a four-piece series on safety in Pokemon Go as well as other Niantic games. You can read all...
Massively Overthinking: Our favorite MMO stories of 2021
Every year, we give a nod to the biggest MMO story, but in 365 days, a whole lot more happened than just one narrative....
PAX East 2022 will be in-person in April, requiring vaccines and masking
ReedPop and Penny Arcade announced this week that PAX East is on for 2022 in Boston, Massachusetts, returning to an in-person event from April...
Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMO developer quotes of 2021
One of my favorite traditions every year is to put a spotlight back on some of the wild things MMORPG developers said every year....
Old School RuneScape fan creates an augmented reality setup to perform digital woodcutting in real life
What do you get when you combine a Switch Joy-Con, a toy axe, a bunch of code linking different apps together, and Old School...
Nexon recaps Maplestory Fest ‘At Home’ 2021
The legion of MapleStory fans couldn't get together in person this year for a huge fanfest -- but they didn't let that stop them...
EVE Online’s New Dawn quadrant promises mining updates, more resources, and new exploration sites
Today marks a New Dawn for EVE Online, which is the title of the game's newest quadrant of updates as well as the herald...
EVE Fanfest set to return as a ‘COVID-safe event’ in May 2022
"The gate is green -- and EVE Fanfest is returning!" After two years off for some reason or another, EVE Fanfest is preparing to...
Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s Charles Boyd on BioWare, newbie acquisition, economy, and beyond
So it’s been two years since I wrote a piece on Star Wars: The Old Republic. I’m sorry. You’ll have to tell me what...
Texas-based PAX South won’t be back thanks to COVID and declining participation
While the COVID pandemic has made us no strangers to gaming convention cancellations, usually announcements of such are followed up by a hopeful look...
Diablo Immortal launches closed beta today as Blizzard’s pre-investor call infodump continues
I joked to my husband this morning that Blizzard has been all over the map this week, with a critical investor call looming on...
WoW Factor: BlizzCon is BlizzGone, so what’s next for WoW?
If you needed a sign of just how bad things were getting at Blizzard HQ, that sign came with the announcement that BlizzConline was...
Blizzard has now fully canceled BlizzConline, originally slated for early 2022
Well, today's Blizzard news isn't going to surprise anyone: The company has canceled its upcoming BlizzConline event.
The online event was originally set for early...
Microsoft’s in-development cloud-native MMO Pax Dei promises scaling complexity and multi-device access
Microsoft's work on an MMO isn't the newest news. Readers will recall the project - a cloud-native MMO being developed by Mainframe - came...
Massively Overthinking: Should MMOs have endings – or at least end points?
I suspect most MMO players are going to read that question and immediately balk at it. We think of MMOs as being defined in...
World of Warcraft continues to clean up its act with surgical replacements to characters and quests
We have been watching with some degree of fascination the Great World of Warcraft Purge of '21 that's come in the wake of Blizzard's...