
Becoming Preta offers VR and cross-platform play

One of the reasons why we have been keeping an eye on the virtual reality trend this past year is for its possible implications...

Epic shows off Paragon gameplay, promises no pay-to-win

Epic Games' upcoming third person MOBA Paragon has been getting some attention lately with its fluid gameplay and undeniably high-quality graphics. The studio has been releasing informational...

DC Universe Online unlocks cross-play between all its platforms

Heists, prison breaks, and new friends are the topic du jour of DC Universe Online. Episode 21 is out today for members (and available to...
I'm sure someone thinks this is neat.

SMITE launches on Xbox One on 8/19

The testing is finished and there's nothing left for SMITE to do but launch properly on Xbox One. So the game is indeed launching...

LEGO Minifigures Online goes buy-to-play on June 29 with limited availability now

While Funcom would like to market LEGO Minifigures Online's upcoming June 29th event as a launch of the game, in reality the move is...

Sword Coast Legends is launching on Mac and Linux as well

Good news for Sword Coast Legends fans who are hoping to play with their friends of "other" persuasions: n-Space has announced that the game will...
At this point every free-to-play game is different from the others by not offering a gameplay advantage for paying money.

Dragon of Legends will be a cross-platform pixel MMO

If you like pixel art and the promise of being able to play an MMO on both mobile and desktop clients, you should probably...