daily grind

See: The Daily Grind

Hello, I'm very shiny.

The Daily Grind: In which we tell you the jokes you’re expecting to find through the day

The day of the fool Has arrived once again here; Eyes are upon us. What jokes might writers In the MOP newsroom Play upon you now? In years past, our...

The Daily Grind: Is instancing in MMORPGs our real enemy?

The first MMORPGs I ever played hadn't come up with instancing yet. They had perceptible server lines and time-sucking zone walls, but everyone was...

The Daily Grind: Are older MMOs too intimidating to play?

So here's an odd conundrum that I wrestle with every now and then. I am a big fan of established, long-running MMOs for their...

The Daily Grind: What do you think are Revival’s chances of… revival?

Last week's news that Revival's development has been indefinitely suspended was a pretty big downer for MMO players already bummed over EverQuest Next's cancellation....
Welcome to the no. No. I'm tired of this joke. I hate that song. No.

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MOBA for an MMORPG player?

Every few months, my husband will be reading over my shoulder while I'm writing up news about a MOBA for Massively OP, and he'll...
Also, more cats in general, please.

The Daily Grind: Where do you want MMOs to offer more character customization options?

We've gotten lots of good character creators in recent years. Sure, there are things I might not like about Black Desert's character options, but...

The Daily Grind: Do you feel more epic fighting big mobs in MMOs?

I can't say I feel particularly heroic in MMOs when I’m slaughtering 10 rats, in the case of Lord of the Rings Online, adorable...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG could use a good reboot?

MMORPG reboots might be impractical and inadvisable, but games from Darkfall and DUST 514 to MapleStory and Linkrealms are all giving (or have given)...
Just throw on any old gear.

The Daily Grind: What MMO has your favorite non-combat pets?

Non-combat pets are one of those things that lots of MMOs have hanging around in their own ways. They're little vanity rewards that allow...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO set piece?

The other day I was running through The Secret World's Last Train to Cairo mission for the fourth or fifth time. Even after so...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the best cosmetics system?

Cosmetics, costumes, transmogrification, appearance tab -- whatever you want to call them, cosmetic systems are a big deal in MMORPGs in 2016. While you...

The Daily Grind: What’s the age range of the people in the MMORPGs you play?

This morning's Daily Grind arrives from Massively OP reader camelotcrusade, who asks you to take a long look at the ages of the people around...

The Daily Grind: Would you play an underwater MMO?

There are a lot of very well-established pop cultural ideas that haven't seen much adaptation into the MMO space; we've never had a real...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best character creation process?

I don't know about you, but I love a great character creation segment before getting into any RPG or MMORPG. Don't rush me; let...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best armor design?

Face it: If MMOs only had our characters wearing paper bags as outfits, there would still be some of us in the community debating...
But robots.

The Daily Grind: What MMOs have your commitment?

I saw two reactions to last Friday's WildStar news. The first was people loudly proclaiming that the game was dead and that they were...

The Daily Grind: Would you play an Indiana Jones MMORPG?

Disney confirmed yesterday that the Indiana Jones franchise is getting a new entry. Starring Harrison Ford and directed by Steven Spielberg, Indy 5 is...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has grown the best over time?

In my opinion, a good MMO expansion doesn't just pile on new features but genuinely enhances and organically blends in with the established game...

The Daily Grind: What temporary MMO content do you wish would return?

Massively OP reader Guhracie emailed us a few weeks ago, upset about Guild Wars 2's popular Super Adventure Box. SAB was technically temporary content...
Try hardest.

The Daily Grind: Does ambition make you skeptical of MMO development?

I freely admit that I am a bit leery of ambition in game design. Not because it's an inherently bad thing, mind you, but...