
See: Daybreak Game Company

Just Survive test center patch gives zombies a GPS

A comprehensive balancing and adjustment patch hit Just Survive's test server this week with dozens of changes for the zombie survival sandbox. There is...

Raph Koster calls potential manipulative MMO microtransaction AI ‘horrendous’

Here is some nightmare fuel for gamers imagining the future of the industry. How about an artificial intelligence that deliberately manipulates and messes with...

EverQuest II preps its Stitch in Time update

How about this as a love letter from Daybreak to EverQuest II players? Next week, the studio is releasing GU105, A Stitch in Time,...

Perfect Ten: RIFT features that deserve praise

Maybe it will be short-lived, but it is exciting to see attention and excitement return to the sphere of RIFT following the announcement of...

DC Universe Online is killing Superman (again)

How many times must Superman die? The iconic superhero met his end in the highly publicized 1992 comic book arc before being brought back to...

The MOP Up: Overwatch rings in the Lunar New Year (February 4, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Global Chat: To RIFT or not to RIFT?

Everyone's talking about RIFT's new Prime server idea -- and whether or not it will get us playing Trion Worlds' fantasy MMO once again....

Massively Overthinking: What are your criteria for recommending MMOs?

Last week, we got a well-intentioned email from a reader named Rick, who proposed a column in which readers tell us what they are...

EverQuesting: EverQuest II is a packrat’s paradise

While some consider the acquisition of stuff to be distracting to gameplay, others of us know that it is actually a vital part of...

H1Z1 struggles to counter rapid player strafing

Well here is something that we learned today: the meaning of ENAS. If you're not deep into the PvP shooter scene, the East North...
The Quick and the Gay

Best not be toxic on YouTube, Overwatch players, because Blizzard is watching you

Back in 2013, when Linda "Brasse" Carlson still fronted SOE's community branch, she made headlines for making SOE's anti-toxicity policies very clear. "If we...

The Game Archaeologist: Fallen Age

Imagine that one day you wake up, stumble to your computer, and check in on the morning news. Among the various tidbits is a...
Something like that, anyhow.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever taken drugs in an MMORPG?

Probably my favorite screenshot in an MMO is the one I took back in 2003 or so, when my Star Wars Galaxies character was...

Hyperspace Beacon: No, Star Wars The Old Republic isn’t on the verge of sunset

I recently read a wild argument based on unsubstantiated rumor that Star War: The Old Republic is nearing its end of life, that BioWare...

The Soapbox: Confessions of a serial hoarder (in MMORPGs)

How much is too much? To some, that might seem like a reasonable question. But I knew. I knew. There is no such thing as...

PSA: Claim your free gifts in DC Universe Online by January 31

Hey! You there! Do you want a free tech-looking Batman costume in DC Universe Online? If your answer is yes (and it almost certainly...

Trademarks, copyrights, and patents: What they mean for you and for video games

Has the pace of news moved so quickly that we've already forgotten about Brendan "PlayerUnknown" Greene's statement that video games lack any IP copyright...

The Daily Grind: Is ‘naming-and-shaming’ MMO cheaters a good idea?

Last week on Reddit, an EVE Online player begged CCP to organize a wall of shame for botters - essentially an online list of...

Whatever happened to Ascent: the Space Game, Aura Kingdom, and Fragmented?

Ever pause during your day and find yourself wondering, “Whatever happened to that game?” With hundreds upon hundreds of online titles these days, it’s surprisingly easy...
Oh, this... keeps my feelings where they were before, really.

The Daily Grind: Are we due for a good cyberpunk MMO?

I am a generally big fan of the cyberpunk genre, especially when it works in a healthy dose of '80s aesthetics for that clunky,...