electronic arts

Megacorp known to MMO gamers primarily for its ownership of BioWare’s Star Wars: The Old Republic. EA has previously been the steward of Mythic Entertainment (which in turn once controlled Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot) as well as The Sims Online, Warhammer Online, and Dawngate.

Hyperspace Beacon: No, Star Wars The Old Republic isn’t on the verge of sunset

I recently read a wild argument based on unsubstantiated rumor that Star War: The Old Republic is nearing its end of life, that BioWare...

Perfect Ten: Major MMO expansions and updates to expect in 2018

Now that we're almost 1/12th of the way through 2018, it's probably about time to stop anticipating the year and start experiencing it. We...
That is definitely a thing.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 154: A Prime experiment

Justin and Bree discuss Trion's big RIFT and Devilian news, Camelot Unchained's $7.5M investment, Darkfall New Dawn's launch, and layoffs for Albion and Elyria, with a mailbag question on what went wrong with WildStar.

Ultima Online says it has ‘no plans to introduce legacy rulesets’

Seems as if everyone wants to talk legacy servers lately, what with RIFT and World of Warcraft getting on board the vanilla train. Even...

Global Chat: Jumping on board the Warframe train

Are you playing Warframe these days? If not, you might be missing out on the growing party of people who seem to be flocking...
Something something rightfully forgotten film revival, etc.

Town State Leisure: Camelot Unchained responds to absurd scraper article as only CSE can

If by chance you've ever run a blog about literally anything, you surely know about scrapers - those jerks who use scripts to steal...

Massively Overthinking: Tackling our hoarding problem in MMORPGs

By coincidence, two articles in my feeds this past week both centered on video game hoarding - not hoarding the actual games but hoarding...

Camelot Unchained lands $7.5M investment to hasten development: Our chat with Mark Jacobs on funding, VR, and beta one

If you know one thing about indie MMORPG Camelot Unchained, it's that CEO Mark Jacobs appears to dwell perpetually in internet comment sections amiably...

Hyperspace Beacon: The case for mature-themed guilds in the SWTOR community

I am a huge advocate for guilds that can remain friendly to the under 18 crowd. One of my favorite Star Wars: The Old...

Grab a goodie bag for Mythic Glory as it launches into open beta

So here's a new one for us to cover: R2Games's Mythic Glory. It's a "browser MMORPG set in a persistent online world, populated by thousands of...

The Stream Team: Odessen is not the target in SWTOR’s KOTET

"Odessen is not the target," were the cliffhanger words uttered by Scorpio at the end of the last SWTOR Choose My Alignment Adventure - all...

World of Warcraft e-sports: The return of the Mythic Dungeon Invitational and Arena World Championship

World of Warcraft and e-sports: two great tastes that taste great together, right? That's Blizzard's position, anyway. On Friday it laid out its plans...

The MOP Up: Monster Hunter World merch (January 14, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Poster perfect

One of the things that impresses me about the submissions to One Shots here is that so many of these pictures really could be...
Ultima Online

The Daily Grind: What MMO will be the next to change up its business model dramatically?

You may not like it, but the vast majority of MMORPGs are free-to-play or buy-to-play as of 2018. EVE Online went free-to-play at the...

Massively Overthinking: What’s the smallest MMO you’re willing to play?

A comment on Reddit about the current size and viability of Kritika Online got me thinking about MMO playerbases in general lately. We all...
Tell me you DO something.

Tamriel Infinium: Three things MMORPGs could learn from Elder Scrolls Online

Looking at the title, you might think that I believe Elder Scrolls Online is the perfect MMO, and in that case, you'd be incorrect....

EA filed an ‘Engagement Optimized Matchmaking’ patent in 2016

Remember Activision's rather skeezy matchmaking patent from last year? That one was pretty straightforward in how it worked, if unpleasant: You buy something from...

Lockbox roundup: MMO studios on ‘elegant’ lockboxes, legal issues, and the ‘cosmetics only’ angle

You know the lockbox thing is reaching saturation when there are so many things to cover we have to resort to a roundup. Nevertheless,...

Raph Koster on MMO ecosystems, the balance of power, and tennis

Most MMORPGs have the core sandbox problem: Whoever gets there first, controls all the toys and has the power to drive everyone else away....