
when yo crew stylin af

EVE Vegas is coming this October, tix go on sale

Missed out on this year's EVE Fanfest? There's still a chance for redemption, comradery, and geeky fun with this October's EVE Vegas event. For...

EVE Fanfest 2017: EVE Online joins the hunt for exoplanets through Project Discovery

The scientific community has been buzzing lately with the incredible news that a star system less than 40 lightyears away named TRAPPIST-1 was found...

World of Warcraft suffers demonic assaults, welcomes marching tadpoles

When the skies go black and start raining down fel fire, you best know that there's some bad hoodoo going down. In the case...

LOTRO posts April event schedule, makes temporary store change

As Lord of the Rings Online players wrap up the spring festival this week, they won't have much time to breathe before the next...
Well, this isn't ideal.

Tree of Savior runs dual promotional events

If you have nothing better to do this week, why not check out Tree of Savior? The action-RPG MMO is looking to recruit brand-new...
I'm happy with the choices I've made. These have all been good decisions.

LOTRO doesn’t see its shadow, extends spring festival for another week

Spring is here, so why not enjoy it for a while? That's the philosophy guiding Lord of the Rings Online, which announced yesterday that it...
That's so metal.

DC Universe Online launches its next major event on April 5

The next big event in DC Universe Online pits heroes and villains alike against Starro, a mind-controlling interstellar starfish. That's just a fun phrase...
It's not real.

The Daily Grind: What MMO April Fools’ Day joke makes you sad it’s just a joke?

It's not really difficult to tell when an announcement is an April Fools' Day joke; they're usually pretty obvious. Final Fantasy XIV's announcement of...
In this trying time.

Final Fantasy XIV’s Hatching-tide offers you an egg mount in this trying time

There has never been a Hatching-tide event in Final Fantasy XIV that has not been at least a little weird. This year, however, it's...
The hills have eyes. And mouths, and hands, and punchy personalities.

Skyforge prompts players to investigate the Emerald Stream

There's a new outbreak of a heretofore unknown species of Phytonides in Skyforge, which is... not normal, but it's well within the usual wheelhouse...
What's two times zero?

EVE: Valkyrie offers doubled experience for its first anniversary

Did you think that EVE: Valkyrie had been out for a whole year? Before you saw the headline, that is. Actually, perhaps you did...

Hearthstone’s upcoming season will see ‘mammoth’ celebrations

As soon as Hearthstone players start trampling through Un'goro Crater (metaphorically), the Year of the Kraken will end. It'll be time for the Year...
The krogan, forever charging.

Mass Effect: Andromeda launches its first multiplayer weekend event

While the player character is working hard to do the heavy lifting of finding a new home in Mass Effect: Andromeda, players support the...
This is fine.

Chronicles of Elyria clarifies server and domain selection process moving forward

The staff behind Chronicles of Elyria has been on a whirlwind tour of events, and you can read all about it in the most...
Contains some monsters.

Final Fantasy XI players gather cherished memories for anniversary celebration

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Final Fantasy franchise, but it also marks the 15th anniversary of Final Fantasy XI. And yes,...
oh no not again

BlizzCon 2017 to be held on November 3-4

There are three certainties in life: death, taxes, and another BlizzCon every year even if Blizzard has absolutely nothing new to announce. Then again,...
Breachy keen.

Star Trek Online urges players once more into the Breach on console

The Breach queue in Star Trek Online has been trimmed up nicely for console players, shortened to the most interesting portions of the queue...
Where you at, ArenaNet?

The Daily Grind: What were you disappointed to not hear about from PAX East?

As the man on the ground at PAX East this year (and every year), I bear the brunt of your displeasure if there was...
birb are the wirb

The Daily Grind: What MMO news are you hoping for from PAX East?

It's that time of year again when I go shipping up to Boston, because I live the closest and thus must continue to cover...

Aion gets enchantment fever, orders Patch 5.3 to bed rest for a few extra days

It's always best to get the bad news out of the way first, rip that bandage off and all that. So here it is:...