
Take with one hand and give with the other hand.

Casually Classic: Ranking WoW Classic’s six starting zones

Part of the sheer fun of fresh start servers and going through WoW Classic again is becoming reacquainted with that old and welcome friend,...

Design Mockument: In defense of visual ability customization in MMORPGs

I will never know who it was working behind the scenes at City of Heroes who first had the idea to let players customize...

Vague Patch Notes: Nostalgia isn’t the problem with pining for your MMO past

So it hasn't been long since World of Warcraft launched a new set of WoW Classic servers, except this time it's WoW Classic Classic,...

LOTRO Legendarium: 10 additional helpful tips for your LOTRO journey

Every so often in this space, I like to share helpful tips and tricks to make your Lord of the Rings Online experience more...
I circle the waterfront, I'm watching the sea.

WoW Factor: A World of Warcraft housing wishlist

To the surprise of basically no one who is at least passingly familiar with me over the past several years, I am indeed still...
I tricked you!

Vague Patch Notes: MMORPGs are more popular than you think

Last week, I ended the Vague Patch Notes column with something of a tease suggesting that maybe, just maybe, MMORPGs are not an unpopular...
Pay to lose.

Perfect Ten: Lessons from unsuccessful MMORPGs that I wish designers would learn

I have been writing about this genre for far too long now and seen far too many games with genuinely good elements completely fail...

Casually Classic: WoW Classic Classic is more than just another hit of nostalgia

Out of all of the things that I didn't expect to be on my 2024 MMO bingo sheet was "Getting absolutely sucked into a...

Perfect Ten: The allure of a fresh start MMO server

This week, WoW Classic activated another set of "fresh start" servers -- something that it's been doing pretty much annually since 2019. Yet even...
Yeah, that'll do it.

Vague Patch Notes: The ridiculous marketing doublespeak around MMORPGs

There is a lot to make fun of when it comes to New World, and it comes in many forms, from excusing bad decisions...

Perfect Ten: Utterly silly MMO transmedia synergy over the years

Remember back when Trion Worlds tried to coin -- or cement -- the term "transmedia synergy" for the relationship between Defiance the game and Defiance the...

LOTRO Legendarium: Riding out into Lord of the Rings Online’s Legacy of Morgoth

Anyone who knows my gaming habits understands that I am not a fan of desert zones, expansions, or even Tatooine. Sorry Luke, but it's...

The Soapbox: The War Within is the best World of Warcraft’s endgame has ever been

When I delivered my first impressions of The War Within, I was full of praise for World of Warcraft's latest expansion, but I did...

MMO Hype Train: Into the Echo and the wish for a time travel MMO

Are there any MMO projects that you suspect only you remember and care about -- but everyone else has forgotten? I feel that way...

WoW Factor: Home is where the heart is, even in World of Warcraft

It has been a curious sensation these last few months, looking at World of Warcraft: The War Within and not wanting to play. That...
Hardly lonely.

Vague Patch Notes: Going solo isn’t a problem in MMORPGs

So I'm wrapping up a month of talking about how MMORPGs are by necessity social games. These are games in which you need other...
Guess who's back. Back again.

Perfect Ten: Why I still love Final Fantasy XI today

You know what's really funny to me when I think about it for more than five minutes? Final Fantasy XI is, at this point,...
Hello Paul. Hello Art.

Vague Patch Notes: Living like a rock in MMORPGs

So if you are anything close to my age, you probably do not think of Simon & Garfunkel's music as being anything remotely "raw."...

Perfect Ten: 10 ways to put your MMO back on players’ radars

Running an MMORPG isn't like Field of Dreams. You can't just create a game and expect that everyone will show up because a magic...

LOTRO Legendarium: How should LOTRO handle ‘the levels issue?’

Legacy of Morgoth comes out next week for Lord of the Rings Online, and I'm generally excited for it. I wasn't initially, since desert zones aren't...