
Wow, positive.

Perfect Ten: A list of all the MMORPGs I supposedly hate

Did you know about all the MMOs I hate? I sure as heck didn't! I mean, I knew there were a few games I...

Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs where you can live out your giant robot fantasies

Two years ago, NCsoft dealt a harsh blow to a certain subset of gaming fans when it canned the development of Project HON. This...
It's a fooler.

Perfect Ten: 10 reasons MMO characters seem truly insane

We all like making the occasional observation about the weirdness inherent in video games, but most of us also recognize that what we're really...

Massively Overthinking: Is open-world housing really a ‘failed’ MMORPG experiment?

Massively OP's Justin Olivetti has a provocative article on his personal gaming blog, Bio Break, this week on MMORPG housing. "I once again wonder why...

Perfect Ten: Why Star Trek Online is an underrated MMORPG

I'm the type of player who has a stable of games that I return to from time to time, particularly when I'm looking for...
And sometimes, it's all about winning.

Massively Overthinking: Three-way RvR and ‘fair’ PvP in modern MMOs

MOP reader Sally Bowls is on a roll with the good questions lately! She lobbed us one this past weekend that seems a good...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: Why no one should recommend World of Warcraft ever

Last week, MOP's Justin (friend to man and beast alike) posted his list of MMOs he would recommend people play. It was a pretty...

Perfect Ten: The 10 live MMORPGs everybody should try

If you have ever visited the MMORPG subreddit, you probably know that one of the most frequent posts that pop up are ones asking...

Perfect Ten: How MMORPGs become so darn complicated

MMOs are complicated. This seems like a fairly non-controversial statement; there are more or less complicated games, but they all tend to be complex...

EVE Evolved: How much toxic, antisocial behaviour should MMOs tolerate?

The EVE Online community is aflame this week after alliance leader gigX was permanently banned for making threats of real-life violence against another player...

Perfect Ten: The 10 tiers of MMORPG lore

In which we discuss varying levels of MMO lore effort and Eliot admits he doesn't remember the names of Pac-Man's ghosties.

Perfect Ten: MMOs that changed their names

Names and titles fascinate me. While sometimes they have no deeper meaning than to sound pleasant and be memorable, a label can indicate purpose,...
Just barely avoided this fate.

Perfect Ten: The 10 saddest MMORPG stories

Every MMO tells a story through the run of its life. A lot of those stories are pretty happy, too. Ultima Online may not...

Perfect Ten: MMO experiments in transmedia synergy

We're not going to argue that MMORPGs are the dominant form of media entertainment these days, but they do have endurance and a devoted...

Massively Overthinking: Alone together vs. forced grouping in MMORPGs

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that everyone has at some point seen the xkcd called Isolation, but if not, there...

Perfect Ten: Fresh approaches for familiar MMORPGs

Short of taking a blow to the head, there's very little I can suggest in the way of experiencing a familiar MMORPG for the...

Massively Overthinking: How should MMOs make money in a world without lockboxes?

Earlier this week, MOP's Justin expressed frustration over lockboxes, feeling especially provoked. "As both a player and a journalist, I find it insulting when...
The world needs heroes willing to put up with SO MUCH crap.

The Soapbox: Getting to the heart of toxicity in MMOs

So we've gotten another post from a developer saying that they're going to really 100% be better about rooting out toxic players from their...
Stepping back across time.

How I got married through World of Warcraft

I've mentioned a lot of times, in passing, how my wife and I connected in part through World of Warcraft. But I've never actually...
Into the unknown.

Perfect Ten: MMOs in limbo

The one thing that I thought we could all count on forever was that the MMO life cycle was pretty easy to understand. A...