
Corepunk coming to early access on November 26th, still requires ‘significant polishing in all directions’

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen isn't the only MMO that surprised us this week with an early access release announcement. After years of troubled...

Trove warns players to ditch exploited items before they ‘lead to irreversible damage’

While PC players are surfing the waves of Trove's new Rising Tide update and its underwater biome, there's something disturbing happening just below the...

Star Citizen suspends over 600 accounts over ‘illicitly gained’ credits earned thanks to an exploit

It would appear that some mass gold duping was going on in Star Citizen recently as a result of an exploit found within the...
What a dump.

Why I Play: Stardew Valley is still something special

I'd been saving this for myself for weeks now. It was late Saturday when I finally decided it was time to stop waiting and...

New World is still mopping up exploits and server crashes post-Season of the Guardian

Amazon has continued shoring up New World in the wake of last week's slippery Season of the Guardian, with multiple updates this week. For starters,...

Amazon team commits to New World and future expansions – but won’t spoil the June secret

As we noted in our Vitae Aeternum column this morning, New World drama has been mounting over the past few weeks. Amazon had delayed...

Apex Legends esports tourney is hacked mid-match, postponing the event and raising security concerns

Nobody likes to see cheaters win in an esports competition (or any competition for that matter), but a bout of cheating occurring in an...

Nightingale expounds on its roadmap and why the offline mode is a medium-term project

Nightingale has spent the better part of the week focused on clean-up after a bug ate player homes last weekend, but now it's releasing...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most unlucky MMO?

A few weeks back when Fractured Online was contending with yet another round of exploits, rollbacks, and downtime, MOP reader Gidja remarked that perhaps...

New World’s latest video talks up the benefits of mounts in Outpost Rush PvP

As players wait for Amazon to establish a new date for the launch of New World's Season of the Guardian after its unfortunate but...

Nightingale’s roadmap includes a lot more QOL than the offline mode

If you were among those grumbling at Nightingale's mini-patch earlier this week, Inflexion's latest missive ought to make you feel better - or at...
Come on, my dudes.

Albion Online tweaks staffs, temp-disables duels, readies Turkish and Arabic language support

It has been a busy couple of weeks in the world of Albion Online as Sandbox Interactive has been putting out patches, dealing with...

The Game Archaeologist: Dragon Ball Online, the MMO that never made it to the west

It was back in 1986 that Toei Animation, a Japanese company, brought a new series called Dragon Ball into the world. The initial run...
Tonguin' done.

New World nerfs bosses, addresses low server pop realms and the future of merges

New World's update in the wee hours of this morning was not a major one, but it still includes some notable bits - the...

Guild Wars 2 studio says no accounts involved in new social engineering claim were compromised by CS

The Guild Wars 2 Reddit community has been up in arms this week over a gigantic thread started by former ArenaNet partner and content...

Fractured Online suffered two more rollbacks and replaced server in nasty ‘streak of bad luck’

Fractured Online just can't catch a break: Following a duping exploit, hard drive failure, and day-long rollback, the early access sandbox MMORPG is now...

Fractured Online’s duping and hard drive downtime turns into 24-hour rollback

Fractured Online is dealing with yet another round of chaos this week. Readers will recall that a duping-related downtime this weekend was compounded by...

Fractured Online weathers downtime over a dupe exploit and a failing hard drive

If there's an MMO community that's more twitchy about hacks than Fractured Online, we haven't met it. Nervous attitudes are to be expected, too,...

Massively Overthinking: Hopes and fears for MMOs in 2024

For our first Massively Overthinking of the year, we're drawing a hard line between what we think will happen, what we mean to make...

ARK: Survival Ascended rolls back official servers over a new duping exploit

Just like how there was always that kid who ruined the neighborhood swimming pool by peeing in it, online games suffer when exploiters do...