
Chaos Theory: Are levels good for Secret World Legends?

We'd heard about (and stressed over!) various Secret World Legends changes for a while, but you just can't know how those changes will affect...
Just punch them with your boobs.

Check out the character creation options for Black Desert’s upcoming Mystic class

As it has always gone with Black Desert, there's another new class coming to the game dubbed the Mystic, meant to function as the...

Guild Wars 2: One Path Ends speculation and the Black Lion Hunters Contract

Hear that buzz? It's Guild Wars 2 gearing up for its third season finale next week... and then, ultimately, pushing into uncharted territory with...

Chronicles of Elyria’s tribes will possess combat specialties

The tribes parade is still ongoing over at Chronicles of Elyria, as the fans aren't running out of questions and the developers aren't running...

Crowfall hosts a race and class ‘show and tell’ session

Remember how Crowfall announced back in May that it was decoupling its race and class archetypes to allow players to mix-and-match more freely? This...

Path of Exile’s Fall of Oriath expansion arrives August 4

Path of Exile's Fall of Oriath expansion arrives August 4 - check out the release trailer and prepare for the microtransaction system tomorrow!

Battle Bards Episode 101: Ragnarok Online

As the Battle Bards cruise into their second hundred episodes, it’s time to cover a very long-lived fantasy MMO from 2002, Ragnarok Online. The...
Swipe left.

World of Warcraft expands Patch 7.3 testing to include final Argus zone and new dungeon

Just when you think you've seen everything that World of Warcraft's massive Patch 7.3 has to offer on the test server, here comes even...
I'm not back on any BS, I never left it.

Perfect Ten: 10 little things I love about Final Fantasy XIV

A reader recently sent in a letter asking Justin to explain why he (Justin) had never really connected with Final Fantasy XIV despite giving...

ARK Survival Evolved won’t wipe exploit-infested servers ahead of August launch

Were you anticipating a wipe ahead of the formal launch of ARK: Survival Evolved in August, especially given all the recent exploits? It's not...

Black Desert’s patch this week tweaks guild welfare funds as waterpark events continue

Today's Black Desert patch is almost a gig large, but don't expect a massive game revamp today. Probably the biggest change is tweaks to...

Hyperspace Beacon: The sexual harassment problem in SWTOR

As most of our readers probably know, I consider myself a member of the roleplay community in Star Wars: The Old Republic. I have been...
fun fun fun

Albion Online is hitting login queues as Veteran players get to log in

Launch is here for Albion Online and it's popular enough that there are queues. Yes, login queues are being login queues. According to the...
Space tourist. SPACE TOURIST.

MMORPG veteran Richard Garriott decries ‘space tourist’ label

If you haven't figured it out, Shroud of the Avatar and Ultima Online's Richard Garriott is on a press tour lately for his new memoir,...

LOTRO’s new allegiance system will take you to fantastic places

One of the new major systems that's coming with Lord of the Rings Online: Mordor deals with your pledged allegiance to certain Middle-earth factions....

Analyst Michael Pachter’s Overwatch League skepticism and other business tidbits

Everyone's favorite gaming industry analyst Michael Pachter announced that his firm Wedbush is "skeptical that the Overwatch League will achieve much success," noting that...

The Stream Team: Kicking butt with an EverQuest II butt-kicking mount

Thanks to EverQuest II's newest progression server, Fallen Gate, Massively OP's MJ has earned the amusing Pedipowered Posterior Punter. And she can't wait to...

Albion Online expands its launch rollout

Some MMOs have launch days, but some MMOs are not Albion Online, which is claiming a good chunk of this week to officially release...
Get a charge

Take a look at Path of Exile’s new Charged Dash skill in action

Charged Dash is a new skill coming to Path of Exile, and when you read about how it works it probably seems a little...
Clothe me.

Neverwinter reveals gear sets found in Tomb of Annihilation

When you dive into Chult for Neverwinter's next expansion, you're going to be facing new threats. And what goes well with new challenges? New...