
PAX East 2015: Recapping the ‘Where Did Multiplayer in MMOs Go’ panel

The last time I was asked where the social aspects of MMOs went, I was pretty directly snarky: They're still there. And it's true, but...

EVE Evolved: Sovereignty 2.0 Needs Some Work

When CCP Games announced last year that a complete nullsec revamp was coming to EVE Online, the playerbase breathed a collective sigh of relief...
Let me show my pokey... oh, you know the gag.

PAX East 2015: Hands-on with Undead Labs’ Moonrise

I wasn't sure exactly what to expect when I first laid hands on Moonrise at this year's PAX East so I suppose that "fast-paced party-based Pokémon" should...

One Shots: The face of doom

What would you do if you went up against a giant face intent on bringing forth your personal doom? I don't know about you,...

LOTRO Legendarium: Five off-the-beaten path locales you must visit

Lord of the Rings Online is a big, big game that has grown over the years to encompass a wide swath of Middle-earth. One...
Back when it all began.

Final Fantasy XIV’s Heavensward launches on June 23

The expansion releases on June 23rd, early access begins on June 19th, and pre-orders open up on March 16th.Since the original launch of Final Fantasy...
If you forget the fact that it was during the day and there were only the two of us and it wasn't outside by a wooden table it was exactly like this.

PAX East 2015: A chat with SOTA’s Richard Garriott

Richard Garriott casts a long shadow in the MMO industry, with Ultima Online serving as the first fully graphical MMO and ushering in the genre...
When leveling alts was already the plan...

WoW Factor: A self-defeating genre

Remember when World of Warcraft launched? I sure do. I remember when the game's developers strapped into a helicopter and broke into the building...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World experience blurs the lines of reality

When Funcom recently teased an upcoming forum-only event for The Secret World, my interest was immediately piqued. Though we have scant details right now,...

Perfect Ten: The Secret World moments that freaked me out

I wouldn't say that The Secret World is a scary game. It's a game that has scares in it, to be sure, but you're...

Choose My Adventure: Right-Click Sampler Platter Edition

It's been a crazy month. Since writing my farewell Choose My Adventure on Massively-X-Joy-Gadget--vs-Capcom-Turbo, I've sent a few hundred emails, helped raise a huge...

Jukebox Heroes: Glitch’s soundtrack

As we continue to discover in the years after Glitch's closure, this was one underappreciated, unusual, and quirky MMO that deserved a lot better...

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR took its first step into competitive gaming and fell on its face

Just when you think that Star Wars: The Old Republic will change things around and actually do something that will appeal to the Killer-type...
So long.

Strongholds and the Jungle in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

While I was taking my test drive of the Revenant class at ArenaNet's recent press event, I wasn't just playing through old familiar portions of...
Hooray, Rytlock's actually doing something!

Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s Revenant

It might be premature, but I'm pretty sure that the Revenant is my favorite profession in Guild Wars 2. And strangely, it's because it...

Not So Massively: Hearthstone’s MagicAmy drama; Riot rules on SpectateFaker

Riot Games President Marc Merill says he regrets comments made in the heat of the moment regarding the recent SpectateFaker controversy. Riot issued its...
Are you not entertained?

Wisdom of Nym: Gold Saucer impressions in Final Fantasy XIV

After a madcap week, I got to come home to the Gold Saucer. Traveling to Seattle on short notice was a mixture of the...

One Shots: Riding railroad

Superhero MMOs really make for some spectacular screenshots, you have to agree. And if you don't agree, you might be on the receiving end...

The Daily Grind: Do you have a good grasp of your MMO’s history?

As someone who's played his fair share of both Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 over the years, I have to confess that I've...

The Game Archaeologist: Ten facts of EverQuest life circa 1999

MMOs change. We know that, but we also tend to forget it as well. The games that we play today can often be light-years...