final fantasy xiv

Official Site: Final Fantasy XIV
Studio: Square Enix
Launch Date: September 30, 2010; relaunched August 27, 2013
Genre: Fantasy Hybrid Themepark
Business Model: Subscription (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, PS3, PS4


Final Fantasy XIV prepares for the Moonfire Faire and its latest anniversary

It's the waning days of summer, and that means Final Fantasy XIV players are no doubt eagerly looking forward to the latest installment of...
How are you not playing this on PC in the first place?

Final Fantasy XIV asks players to help design some new furniture

Are there furnishings you wish were in Final Fantasy XIV but keep not getting added? Perhaps you can take matters into your own hands...
And now, the next chapter.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV issues that don’t exist yet… but will

One of the bright sides of having so many alts (specifically, six of them) in Final Fantasy XIV is that I'm getting a picture...
The world needs heroes willing to put up with SO MUCH crap.

The Soapbox: Getting to the heart of toxicity in MMOs

So we've gotten another post from a developer saying that they're going to really 100% be better about rooting out toxic players from their...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 128: Geeks at Disney World

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, Secret World Legends, World of Warcraft, Dark and Light, RuneScape, RIFT, and Star Trek Online, with mailbag questions on when an MMO "clicks" (specifically, FFXIV) and what non-fantasy MMOs still exist.
Somewhere, across the sea, somewhere.

Wisdom of Nym: What happens next in Final Fantasy XIV?

It's pretty clear that the Final Fantasy XIV team (and the localization team specifically) are pretty huge fans of Hamilton, to the point that I'm...
If you doubted this before, well, don't.

Final Fantasy XIV sees a price hike for Brazilian and Russian players

Shock! Dismay! The prices for Brazilian and Russian players have risen for Final Fantasy XIV! But to confuse the issue a little further, they've...
I'm not back on any BS, I never left it.

Perfect Ten: 10 little things I love about Final Fantasy XIV

A reader recently sent in a letter asking Justin to explain why he (Justin) had never really connected with Final Fantasy XIV despite giving...

Final Fantasy XIV adds Creation tomestones with patch 4.05

It's been just about four weeks since Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood launched, and now the game's usual endgame setup is fully in place. Today's...

Global Chat: Are MMO side quests worth it?

Apparently I am a pot-stirrer. On my side blog, Bio Break, I like to throw out conversation starters every now and then, and one...
Buy some land, buy some land.

Even mainstream sites are starting to notice Final Fantasy XIV’s housing problems

Did you know that Final Fantasy XIV has a housing system that's particularly restrictive and makes it unnecessarily difficult to own a house? Probably,...
Obviously silly dances are already universal.

Wisdom of Nym: The numbers game in Final Fantasy XIV

It's not really hard to figure out the best stats for melding in order to do the maximum damage in Final Fantasy XIV. You...
Imperfect balance.

Final Fantasy XIV details some of the balance changes coming to the game on Tuesday

The next patch for Final Fantasy XIV arrives tomorrow, and everyone who has been following the game knows that it's bringing the new weekly...

The MOP Up: Crash Force offers arena fun at a discount (July 16, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Man of Tungsten

Look there! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... Mysecretid! Who among us hasn't played a video game at some point and...
Yes, money.

How to find the right MMORPG as a couple

People seemed to quite like my piece last week about how my wife and I wound up married in no small part due to...
This guy, though... he didn't get it.

FFXIV updates players on DDOS attacks, teases Tuesday patch content

A series of DDOS attacks on Final Fantasy XIV this summer kicked Square Enix into high gear to defend itself. As the studio seems...

LOTRO Legendarium: Mordor’s pre-order is flat-out ridiculous

Outrageous. Ridiculous. Exciting. Exploitative. Controversial. This past week's announcement of Lord of the Rings Online: Mordor's launch date and pre-order packages set ablaze discussions and...

Global Chat: Learning from Master X Master

We've certainly remarked several times on Massively OP how much like an MMO Master X Master is, even though it firmly checks the "MOBA"...
Well, we got something right!

Wisdom of Nym: Diving into Omega in Final Fantasy XIV

It's kind of ironic that Omega may be the first time in Final Fantasy XIV where the eponymous foe is our actual antagonist. The...