
Official Site: Fortnite
Studio: Epic Games
Launch Date: July 25, 2017
Genre: Battle royale survival shooter
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, mobile, console

This is what you are.

Epic Games is suing Apple (and probably Google too) over its payment monopoly

Epic Games is really swinging for the bleachers on this one. Earlier today, Epic revealed the Fortnite "mega drop" - a permanent discount of up...
I half-see.

Vague Patch Notes: Balance in MMOs is overrated

Earlier this week, we did a post all about balance in Crucible. It was a detailed post explaining all of the ways that the...
This is what we were really missing.

New executive order could ban US transactions with Tencent – potentially bad news for gaming [Updated]

File this one under "I was about to go to sleep when the internet erupted in an absolute panic over Tencent": Late this evening,...

Fortnite’s receding water level reveals a new Atlantis-like location known as Coral Castle

As the water level recedes in the battle royale island of Fortnite, more locations are revealed, yet those who have been exploring the area...

Fortnite elaborates on the Ventures feature and new missions arriving to Save the World

With Fortnite effectively putting the kibosh on major new updates, there leaves the one final piece of content which will become the only form...

SuperData June 2020: Valorant had the ‘biggest launch ever for a free-to-play PC title’

It's time for our monthly check-in on how the games industry is doing according to SuperData's numbers, and don't worry - they're all still...

Ubisoft’s Skull & Bones is supposedly rebooting as a live-service title after years of delays

The waters surrounding Ubisoft's long-delayed pirate title are starting to stir once more. After more than a year since last hearing any movement on...
Your approval fills me with shame.

The MOP Up: Roblox players spend over $1.5 billion to date

With a record-breaking haul of $100 million in May, Roblox crossed the $1.5 billion threshold in terms of the game's revenue to date. A...

Fortnite is hosting the We the People panel on race in America for the Fourth of July

Fortnite is a dance floor, a murder simulator, a concert hall, a movie theater, and now, a home for serious discussion: Epic Games is...

NCsoft MOBA Master x Master should’ve turned three years old in the west this month

Way back in 2014 on Old Massively, our team began covering Master x Master, a new MOBA by NCsoft, then in beta in South...

Fortnite: Save the World loses its early access label, gains a price tag and less development

Remember when Fortnite was first announced? Back then it was an "action building" co-op multiplayer shooter where the idea was for teams to scavenge...
Make them fight.

Vague Patch Notes: MOBAs, battle royales, and shallow genre pools in the online gaming space

This past week, Nintendo announced Pokemon Unite, and then I had to go to see a doctor because I rolled my eyes so far...

MMO Business Roundup: Stalker Online hack, Oculus Go, Army esports collab, and Apple’s next move

Welcome back to another roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent industry news. Stalker hack: If you're one of the mostly Russian players of Wargaming's Stalker Online,...

The Soapbox: No, forced grouping in MMOs isn’t ‘social’

Thinking back to high school, I'm awash in memories of the many deep, meaningful relationships that spawned as a result of being forced to...

Fortnite silently removes police cars from its world

In a recent update, the battle royale island of Fortnite saw an unannounced change to the game: the removal of police cars. Not only...

Fortnite’s long-delayed Chapter 2, Season 3 is live today – bring your swimsuit

I dunno about your town, but where I live, all the real-life pools are closed for the summer because of COVID-19. But if you're...
Must we?

Lego Ventures marketing guy calls Fortnite the ‘first credible metaverse’

Are you intrigued by the idea of a metaverse? A digital space where social activity, multiplayer online gaming, and shared creativity merge into one...

Global Chat: The right gear for the right occasion

Some of us are the types of players who are more than satisfied to get one be-all, does-all suit of gear and wear that...

Massively Uplifting: Charity tourneys, Asheron’s Call in Animal Crossing, and over a million Kind Words

May day! May day! We have warm fuzzies incoming! And just in time to start June off with happier thoughts. And who couldn't use...

The MOP Up: Second Life’s super expensive brothel

It's not every week that my editor marches up to me and demands that I cover virtual brothels as headlining stories, but this did...