free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

20-year-old Ultima Online is going free-to-play (kinda) and getting player-generated quests

In preparing tomorrow's birthday piece for Ultima Online, I confidently wrote that Ultima Online was not going free-to-play because that's what the devs always...

LOTRO Legendarium: Six places LOTRO could go after Mordor

It always seems a bit unfair, a bit impatient, and a bit premature to be asking that eternal question of an MMO: "What's next?"...

The Stream Team: Cake and capers for Aion’s eight birthday

Eight years? Holy Deavas, can it really be? Yes, Aion turned eight years old yesterday, and Massively OP's MJ just has to fly in...

ArcheAge’s mobile edition hits app stores next month

Need a little of that ArcheAge magic on the go? You won't have to wait long; starting next month, Gamevil is going to roll...

Happy birthday to Fallen Earth, Aion, World of Warships, and Warhammer Online

This particular part of September is loaded with MMORPG and MMO birthdays. In addition to ArcheAge, whose corgipocalypse we've been covering already, and Ultima...
Plus ce change choses, &c.

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs will make to to 20 years?

Unless it mysteriously shutters between now and Monday, Ultima Online is turning 20 next week. Our Game Archaeologist will surely object to an assertion...

Secret World Legends reactivates legacy transfers

Hey grandpa, get off that couch! You're being called back into service, since you still have some purpose left in those old bones. The original...

PSA: ArcheAge triples all the things this weekend

As the ArcheAge population resettles following the massive server merges earlier this month, Trion Worlds has prepared a balm to help sooth any jangled...
Someone wanted this, maybe.

TERA outlines the rest of its 2017 plans

Don't you like it when a studio meticulously plans ahead and then gives you a nice and tidy timeline of those plans? TERA isn't...
space game

Crossplatform sci-fi MMORPG Vendetta Online is now free-to-play on iOS

Vendetta Online has been around a long time and getting regular updates to boot, and until now, I would have said it's playable on...

TERA M gives a taste of its gameplay, combat, and pig ridin’

With the mobile spin-off of TERA launching in Korea this November and moving on to the west in 2018, it is probably high time...

EverQuesting: Is EverQuest II in a downward spiral?

Are we witnessing the death throes of EverQuest II? Of the whole EverQuest franchise? These questions have been at the forefront of my mind lately....

Divinity: Original Sin 2 welcomes friends with four-player co-op, PvP, and a game master mode

Anyone remember BioWare's Neverwinter Nights from back in the day? Those who have fond memories of that game and its bustling online mod community...

Enter to win a Neverwinter gorgon mount on Xbox One and PS4 from PWE and MOP

To celebrate the arrival of the Tomb of Annhilation expansion for Neverwinter on console, PWE has granted Massively OP 100 Firesoul Gorgon mount keys to give away to our readers-- 50...

The class balance train roars forward with SWTOR Update 5.5

Ootini! With Game Update 5.5 moved to October, Star Wars: The Old Republic players have a little more time to prepare for some of...
Everything old is... still old, but a newer sort of old.

Classic EverQuest’s 24th expansion, Ring of Scale, is set to launch in December

Are you sad that the original EverQuest is so neglected? If so, you are wrong. It's not neglected at all. Even if you have...

EverQuest II’s newest progression server enters the Desert of Flames while production servers prepare for the Planes of Prophecy expansion

After a summer of dwelling in beginner region bliss, EverQuest II's newest progression server is taking a step forward into expansions for the first...

Perfect Ten: 10 MMORPGs with playable fairies

Probably my greatest and most constant gripe about fantasy MMORPGs is that for all of the freedom and imagination that this genre supposedly boasts,...

The Stream Team: Moving on to KOTFE’s Chapter XIV Mandalore’s Revenge in SWTOR

Choose My Alignment returns! After a brief PAX-induced hiatus, the audience-driven story of the SWTOR Chiss Agent will continue to unfold. Massively OP's Larry...
Keep seeking.

Star Trek Online launches a new feature episode with LeVar Burton and prepares for Season 14 on October 3

It's time to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation, so it would be weird if Star Trek Online let that...