free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

I'm happy with the choices I've made. These have all been good decisions.

LOTRO doesn’t see its shadow, extends spring festival for another week

Spring is here, so why not enjoy it for a while? That's the philosophy guiding Lord of the Rings Online, which announced yesterday that it...

SuperData examines gambling practices across the online gaming industry

Gambling in video games has been a huge topic for devoted MMORPG players over the last year or so, as core MMOs like Guild...

Multiplayer space sim Starfighter Inc. has 12 days to finish raising $150K

We've been covering Starfighter Inc. for the last few weeks in Make My MMO, but apparently a lot of you folks who say you...
So we're just going to make the joke, yes.

Marvel Heroes adds Nick Fury to the cast and offers Medusa as a team-up option

The 62nd playable hero has been added to the Marvel Heroes roster, and he is tired of these mother- snakes on this mother- plane....

The Game Archaeologist: Rubies of Eventide

I can't say that Rubies of Eventide has been on my radar, like, ever. And yet practically every time I've asked for suggestions of...

One Shots: Avenging angel

When you push a player too far, commit too many crimes, and flaunt your evil with one of those tacky pre-battle speeches, you're going...

Path of Exile is rewriting minion masters for Fall of Oriath

Heads-up, minion masters, which is basically all the lazy people who love clicky RPGs, including me: Path of Exile is making what Grinding Gear...
You look develop-y.

APB Reloaded soft-launches on PlayStation 4 today

If your main reason for not playing APB Reloaded at this point is the fact that the game is not on the PlayStation 4,...
A proud, shamanistic tradition.

The Daily Grind: How much do you really care if your MMORPG is super successful?

Earlier this week, we reported on a SuperData revenue ranking report that showed World of Tanks pulling in more cash than World of Warcraft's...

RIFT’s sixth Carnival of the Ascended has begun

Busy playing RIFT's Forged in Flame update? Bet you forgot all about the anniversary festival known as Carnival of the Ascended. Trion did! Well,...

EverQuesting: Digging into EverQuest’s 18th birthday and chatting with Daybreak

Holy smokes! EverQuest is old enough to vote! The world of Norrath just turned 18 years old on March 16th. In the US, that...
It's been real, and it's been fun, but... eh, you know the joke now.

Choose My Adventure: Gearing up for Black Desert

I’m going to be honest with you, folks; the last Choose My Adventure installment left me feeling kind of depressed. It’s a shame to...

Path of Exile may have suffered a user data breach

Path of Exile may have suffered a data breach in March. We say "may" because even Grinding Gear Games isn't entirely sure what was...

Jukebox Heroes: Your favorite MMO themes, #12-7

It's starting to get serious now. As we well know, people are highly opinionated about everything, but when it comes to music, there seems to...

Warframe broke its concurrency record, again, with Octavia’s Anthem

Remember back in November when Warframe pushed out The War Within and broke its concurrency record? Last week's techno-bard-themed Octavia's Anthem did it again....

The Stream Team: Taking an anniversary stroll in RuneScape

What do you do when a game you've always intended to check out has an anniversary? Massively OP's MJ dives in to play --...

Hyperspace Beacon: Star Wars The Old Republic will finally allow us to switch factions

Long-time players of Star Wars: The Old Republic: In the next update 5.2: The War for Iokath, you will finally be able to switch...

Star Trek Online announces Season 13: Escalation, coming April 25 on PC

PWE has just announced Star Trek Online's next season: Escalation. It lands on April 25th for PC players and continues the ongoing Tzenkethi plotline....
Just call me angel of the morning, angel.

RIFT’s Forged in Flame update today will treat endgamers to new content, LFR tools

MMORPG players can use some happy news today, yeah? How about this: RIFT's Forged in Flame patch is officially live. The core of the update...

Enter to win a copy of Guardians of Ember courtesy of InselGames and Massively OP

Guardians of Ember  has today updated its early access with a brand-new class: the wicked poisoner known as The Dark Knight. "The Dark Knight represents...