free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

And Justin weeps, silently, in the corner. No one feels bad about it.

EverQuest Next opens up the Qeynos Foundation Museum contest

EverQuest Next is getting ready to lay the groundwork for the city of Qeynos, and the design team is turning to Landmark to make...

EVE Fanfest 2015: CCP opens VR Labs, unveils four new side projects

The story of how virtual reality dogfighter EVE: Valkyrie was born is a great indicator of shifts within the games industry. While the big...

Trion says it ‘missed the mark’ with ArcheAge promotion

Yesterday's revelation that Trion was handing out significant gifts to former ArcheAge players to entice them to return to the game -- gifts in...

Migrate your NCsoft master account or face deletion

Are you still using an old NCsoft master account? If you are, then you're going to want to migrate to the new system before...

Lineage is opening its first subscription server in China

The name Lineage has gone hand-in-hand with free-to-play for a while now, but that might be changing. Chinese publisher Tencent Games is experimenting with...

Warframe is ‘retiring’ premium crafted armor

It's the end of an era for Warframe crafters. For reasons unknown but that probably rhyme with "martificial schmarcity," Digital Extremes is retiring three...

Das Tal is considering a buy-to-play model

After a careful consideration of the pros and cons of various business models, including those of Crowfall, Guild Wars 2 and ArcheAge, the Das...

EverQuesting: Celebrating EQ’s 16th year

Happy birthday, sweet sixteen! That's the song going through the air this week as EverQuest celebrates its latest claim to fame: membership in an...

The Stream Team: Getting spacey in Landmark

If you think everything about Landmark is fantasy, think again! We've seen planes, trains, and even some automobiles in this sandbox. Now MassivelyOP's MJ wants...

ArcheAge patrons perturbed at Trion’s gift to former players

When's the last time we had a good ArcheAge controversy? Actually who cares, because Trion has stepped up to the plate with a new...

EVE Fanfest 2015 begins, promises new VR tech and huge EVE reveal

It's the time of year again when EVE Online fans and developers from around the world make the annual pilgrimage to a frozen volcanic...
Community: only as long as it's convenient.

Star Trek Online lines up a new feature episode, improved Pilot spec

The entirety of Star Trek Online's run to date has featured an obvious villain waiting in the wings: the Iconians. Everyone knows they're out...

Choose My Adventure: Path of Marvel

In last week's Choose My Adventure, we learned a few magic spells and set off to conquer a tiny portion of Diablo III's hellish...

Landmark is abolishing claim upkeep

Landmark landowners who are weary of mining copper to keep their claims will soon earn a reprieve. While today's hotfix disables the ability to...

The Daily Grind: Were you playing MMOs 16 years ago?

This week, EverQuest is celebrating its 16th anniversary. That's right: It was all the way back on March 16th, 1999, that the seminal title...
Top gear indeed.

Allods Online is shutting down in China

So long, Allods Online; you will be remembered. The Russian-made fantasy MMO is shutting down... in China. The English servers are still just fine....

Cryptic layoffs alone totaled 18 people

Massively OP has been contacted by a Cryptic employee -- who wishes to remain anonymous and whose identity we have confirmed -- about the Perfect...

Line of Defense reevaluates F2P plans after shaky free weekend test

Following a tumultuous free play weekend, Line of Defense creator Derek Smart said that the game may or may not go forward with a...

Landmark will have just one more character wipe

Ever since players learned Landmark will definitely have another character wipe, we've all been very eager to know all the details. Those details are now in:...
I am still proud of myself for this screenshot.

Perfect World Entertainment hit with potentially massive layoffs

Layoffs have hit Perfect World Entertainment. It was first rumored in a tweet by Ben PerLee, who had previously worked as PR for the...