game mechanics

I can't say it would be worse, exactly.

The Daily Grind: Are there MMOs you play on different platforms from your normal gaming?

When I'm playing an MMO, I'm playing it on my computer. My PC may be getting a bit older, but it's still a very...
Yes, it's just nice.

Revelation Online takes a tour of Ersich Forest

We promise the population of Revelation Online that Ersich Forest is, in fact, a lovely and benevolent area. Sure, it seems nice on the...
Stand forever.

Prevent the Fall adds in a new tutorial and quality of life improvements

It's nice to know what in the world you're doing, isn't it? That can be tricky when you're starting a new game, but the...
This is something good, yes.

Neverwinter takes you on a tour of Port Nyanzaru

The eponymous city is obviously the main port of call for players in Neverwinter, but there are other cities worth visiting. The next major...
It helps to drive

Check out The Crew 2’s gameplay in action

So what's it going to be like playing The Crew 2? If you said "a lot like playing The Crew," well... all right, you're...
Where you can't see.

Final Fantasy XIV hits a major instanced roadblock in Stormblood early access

Everyone knows there are going to be issues with an expansion on launch, and Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood is no exception. Players have hit...
Piracy doesn't pay forever consistently, I suppose.

Revelation Online explores the motivation of the Pirate Crew faction

Pirates! It's pretty easy to understand the motivation of pirates most of the time; pirates want to get stuff by taking it from other...
What up, heteros?

Wurm Online discusses upcoming changes to creature behavior

The animals in Wurm Online aren't just there to be captured and/or killed by players. They're meant to act in a plausible manner, avoiding...
And we may not pass this way again.

Pathfinder Online makes territory control more meaningful

Controlling territory doesn't mean a lot if anyone can still enter the territory you control, does it? Pathfinder Online players can make use of...

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood patch notes have been released

Tomorrow morning, Final Fantasy XIV players will be able to start moving through Stormblood, exploring new areas, leveling the new jobs, clearing new quests,...
You are bold, but are you also daring?

Skyforge adds in character profiles

Prestige rank in Skyforge is a good metric for determining a character's overall power level, but it doesn't tell you much about the character...
Rawr and stuff.

Neverwinter’s Jungles of Chult has better daily tasks and more reward options

On some level, all Neverwinter really needs to do for Jungles of Chult is to remind you how you'll get to fight dinosaurs. That's...
The nightlife.

Revelation Online offers a quick tour of Sidus Ur

Most of the world of Revelation Online is not safe to explore. It's a dangerous place, and there's battle at every turn. But Sidus...
Rouge Swam

EVE Online patches in a new rogue swarm battle on Tuesday

When the newest patch for EVE Online goes live on Tuesday, pilots are going to be facing off against a new sort of threat...
Weird dog.

Final Fantasy XI deploys its June update and starts a new login campaign

Another version update has landed in Final Fantasy XI, but this one is actually relatively small. Yes, surprisingly enough, it's almost just a regular...

Revelation Online details all manner of guild-exclusive activities

If you want to treat your guild in Revelation Online as nothing more than a chat channel, you're missing out on a lot of...
Now I'm the best thing ever!

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite unorthodox MMO weapon?

I'm never going to fail to be amused at the weapon of choice for Medics in WildStar. "Medic" is an odd class choice anyway,...

Check out footage of Blade & Soul’s Maestro in action

If you were hoping for some reason that the Maestro in Blade & Soul would be all about conducting a stirring symphony, that's definitely...
Here's Mei! You like mei, right?

Blizzard is using a loophole to keep selling Overwatch lockboxes in China

There's a law on the books in China that states you can't sell random loot boxes in an online game without disclosing the odds...
Want some?

Check out Final Fantasy XIV’s Stormblood launch trailer, PvP changes

PvP is changing even more than you might think in Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood. It's been discussed before now, but a new article from...