game mechanics

Like this, but a toilet.

Trove now allows you to make a toilet that lets you fly

Do you see the people flying in the header image? Have you thought that you want to be able to do that in Trove,...
It's like three games for the price of... well, actually, it's two games now.

Chris Roberts answers another ten questions for Star Citizen fans

Ready for another round of answers for Star Citizen fans from the project's brain trust? Chris Roberts has sat down for the 76th installment...
The final frontier indeed.

Take a look at what’s coming in Elite: Dangerous’ next major update

The team behind Elite: Dangerous has a history of putting lots of stuff in each big numbered patch. While there's no firm date on...
Getting carded.

Paragon’s guide to cards for testers

Pretty much every MOBA has some system in place for upgrading your chosen hero as you play. Paragon is making use of a card...
Book 'em

Wisdom of Nym: What we know so far about Final Fantasy XIV’s next patch

So we know what's going on with the next patch for Final Fantasy XIV, or at least as much as could be released during...
Here in mycar I feel safest of all.

Crossout enters its next phase of testing complete with factions

If you've ever played a game focused around vehicle combat and thought "hey, this would be better with Mad Max-style customized war vehicles," you...
I know.

Skyforge’s next major update makes sweeping changes to the Resistance system

Knowledge may or may not be power in the real world, but it's certainly a powerful part of Skyforge in the next major update....
This is not hard to do.

WoW Factor: Why Legion’s alpha/beta label is a hair worth splitting

The Legion alpha is back, and it is still an alpha. And I want to to stress, not for the first time, that I...
Can we start, start over?

Shroud of the Avatar drops Release 26 update with a full character wipe

Here's the bad news for players looking forward to the next major Shroud of the Avatar patch: A character wipe is happening. All of...
When you're out in the club and you see a fly girl, do the creep!

WoW’s latest Legion alpha build revises talent loadouts, glyphs

The alpha testing for World of Warcraft's next expansion is rolling along and getting just a little bit bigger. Another build has been deployed,...
This is the world we live in, etc.

Path of Exile updates players on Ascendancy release dates and staffing changes

In a development that will no doubt shock and confuse many of our readers, January is almost over. If you're a Path of Exile...

Skyforge is making screenshots way easier with its new screen-pausing ‘photomode’

Do you suffer from screenshot envy? Does it bother you that developers will produce screenshots that offer a perfect little slice of the action...

Albion Online patches in more convenience and more undead

The January update for Albion Online really covers every conceivable base. It improves the quality of living for players adventuring through the world, and...
Practice makes something!

EVE Online event encourages players to help construct the first Citadel stations

Even in games set far in the future, people still think about living in the World of Tomorrow. EVE Online players are already experiencing...
It wasn't a drill.

Gigantic’s closed beta is now open 24/7

Do you sit around on your couch, wailing and gnashing your teeth over the fact that you can only play Gigantic's closed beta during...
Online, offline, who cares?

Fans overwhelmingly vote for offline pledge rewards in Shroud of the Avatar

If you want to play Shroud of the Avatar online, there's stuff that you can have only by pledging support for the game at...
Let's hunt some people.

How Star Wars: The Old Republic won me over with its endgame

I walked away from last week's Star Wars: The Old Republic livestream pretty happy. Considering that I repeatedly say how much I absolutely loathe...
Not the chess maneuver.

Here’s how castles are built in Crowfall

According to the old adage, a man's home is his castle. But you know what's really a castle? An actual castle. And you can...
I want to like you a lot.

Launch impressions of Blade & Soul: Combat, story, questing, and flow

Every time I play Blade & Soul, I'm really playing a different game, which I dub Why Don't I Like You More? The object...
Holy arts.

WoW Legion makes major changes to specializations and transmog sets

Are you tired of dealing with dual specs in World of Warcraft? It was revealed at BlizzCon that the existing spec system was going...