
Gankboxes are sandboxes that place such an emphasis on unrestricted free-for-all PvP that ganking comes to dominate the entire game, to the detriment of the rest of the world design.

It is a world with nothing nice to say about Jay-Z.

Mortal Online explains the Etherworld in depth

The latest patch for Mortal Online allows players to hide objects inside of the ether world, pick up and leave objects inside of the...

EVE Online’s Project Discovery netted almost half a million classifications in its first day

First announced back in 2015, EVE Online's Project Discovery got underway this week. It's a science collaboration that rewards EVE players in-game for playing a...

H1Z1: Just Survive introduces fresh zombies, ruleset tweaks, new lockbox

H1Z1: Just Survive's latest patch arrived this morning, complete with the new zombies held over from the delayed minipatch last week. "When society collapsed and zombies...

Gloria Victis’ rep system lets players become nobles and outlaws

Indie sandbox Gloria Victis' alpha is humming along, this week with a redesigned rep system, rebalanced combat dynamics, and the overhauled settlement of Mereley,...

Darkfall: New Dawn shows first in-game footage

Darkfall: New Dawn, the fan-made and authorized reboot of the PvP MMO, has popped up with another progress report along with its first video...

EVE Online’s Project Discovery makes scientists out of capsuleers

Wouldn't it be great if instead of playing gems or trolling general chat during your MMORPG downtime, you could be contributing to real-world science?...
Gotta go... well, mostly just away.

EVE Online delays its March update

Today was going to be the day that EVE Online dropped another monthly patch to its live server. It's not happening, though, and you...

The Daily Grind: Where are all the MMORPG themeparks?

A reader named Rogbarz emailed us toward the end of last year, lamenting the fact that we have a lot of upcoming indie games...

H1Z1’s delayed patch arrives this week

The latest H1Z1 producer's letter has arrived, this one focusing on the Just Survive half of the now-split zombie survival sandbox. Daybreak begins by...

EVE Evolved: Analysing EVE’s new Economic Reports

EVE Online's massive and largely player-run economy has been a frequent topic of discussion on MMO blogs and gaming news sites over the years. The unregulated...

Massively OP’s guide to MMORPG death penalties

In real life, when you die the penalty is... death. You just get that one go at things. But in MMOs, player characters are...
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

The Daily Grind: Is there anything that could get you to enjoy free-for-all looting PvP?

Some of you out there already like free-for-all PvP in which all of your stuff can be taken by whosoever chooses to kill you...

EVE Online compensates players with 200k skill points for server move downtime

EVE Online Executive Producer Andie "CCP Seagull" Nordgren has addressed EVE players in a new video posted to the official site. Nordgren apologizes for...
THere's a big picture here that you may not be seeing.

Darkfall: Rise of Agon is now in development

Are you interested in a Darkfall reboot? No, not the official one that rewrote the game's core structure, but something throwing the game back...

H1Z1 is ‘regrouping and refocusing’ after split

A new H1Z1 -- or "Hizzy," to its friends -- producer's letter shares that the team is still "regrouping and refocusing" following its digital...
Well, that's a scuff.

CCP is closing down EVE Online’s official EVElopedia

EVElopedia is soon to be no more. CCP Falcon told players yesterday that CCP has decided to shut down the EVE Online resource; it'll...

The Game Archaeologist: Meridian 59

A colony founded through a magical nexus, Meridian 59 had it all going on -- until, that is, the portal to the colony collapsed...
Fight for control of meaningless space!

Three staffers depart EVE Online after huge financial year for CCP

CCP Games staff have now seemingly confirmed on Reddit that EVE Online is about to become three people poorer. EVE is losing Lead Game Designer...

Massively Overthinking: The new normal of early access MMORPGs

This week's topic comes from Massively OP reader Zadira. "Daybreak has just passed it two-year anniversary for Landmark, and it still has its early access reward options for...

Gloria Victis lets you make a guild coat of arms

How does your guild distinguish itself visually? If you're in Gloria Victis, the answer is by creating a unique-looking coat of arms. A "multilayer" coat of...