gates of discord

Classic EverQuest launches speed-unlock and ‘true-box’ progression servers

EverQuest II isn't the only EverQuest getting a progression server this week - in fact, its elder sibling EverQuest is getting two, and both...

Perfect Ten: The worst MMORPG expansions of all time

A great MMO expansion brings so much to the table: fresh excitement for a game, new classes, innovative features, expanded vistas, additional races, and...

EverQuesting: The history of the EverQuest franchise

Back in 2013, I took a walk through the annals of the EverQuest franchise's history. What started as one title not only blossomed into...

The Game Archaeologist: A history of EverQuest’s expansions

I don't know if EverQuest holds the crown title for the MMO with the most expansions, but I'm sure it's among the top three...

EverQuesting: An EverQuest 19th anniversary retrospective and party planner

There are MMOs that have been around a while, and then there is EverQuest. It's so old school it is old enough to be...

EverQuest posts 2017 progression server schedule

The Daybreak team is making some adjustments to how it is rolling out its EverQuest progression server unlocks and has provided a post outlining...