gearbox software

Borderlands film adaptation bombs in its opening weekend in terms of reception and ticket sales

If you were hoping that the Mario and Sonic films were heralding a new age in good video game movie adaptations, the live-action film...

Rumor: Embracer is trying to sell Gearbox – and therefore Cryptic and its MMORPGs

The Embracer Group contract disaster continues to generate destructive waves all over the gaming industry, and now it's landing at our doorstep, as the...

The Stream Team: Taking on the Root once again in Remnant 2

MOP's Chris is fighting the evil Root once again! He's heading into Remnant 2 for some nail-biting, demon-blasting, and death counter-feeding fun! Come join...
Oh, a thing!

Neverwinter answers questions about console beta shards, legacy toons, stronghold updates, and more

Last week, Neverwinter's executive producer Brett Norton was summoned forth to a Q&A video session, and while there's a video to watch, there's...

Not So Massively: Godfall’s Challenger Edition is a flawed introduction to a flawed game

I've been keeping one eye on Godfall for a while. I didn't want to take a chance on a game from a new franchise...

Borderlands 3, now fully live on Steam, previews next content drop

Hey, remember Borderlands 3? When the only way to play it on PC was to install the confusingly maligned Epic Games Store? Well that...

Battleborn’s updates come to an end after its next patch

The only really good news for Battleborn fans is that the end of updates does not mean the end of everything for the game....

Battleborn patches in premium skins and currency

Quick question: What does Overwatch have that Battleborn doesn't? If you answered "Winston," you are correct, but that's not the point. If you answered...