global chat

The MMO blogosphere is bigger than Massively Overpowered. Join Justin Olivetti on his epic quest to find and elevate the best MMO blog posts of the week. [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]

Yes, I prepared.

Global Chat: How has Russia’s invasion of Ukraine impacted EVE Online?

While the effects of real-world events on video games certainly isn't as important as the lives, livelihoods, and freedoms of actual people, it is...

Global Chat: Where does WoW Classic go from here?

As Wrath Classic gets closer to its preordained expiration date, Priest with a Cause is asking a question that a lot of people are:...

Choose My Adventure: Global Agenda provides a classic MMO ass-beating

I'll be one of the first to admit that in spite of my desire to get into a shooter MMO/multiplayer game this month, I'm...

Global Chat: The seductive appeal of New World

Over a year since its launch, New World remains as rocky and controversial as ever. And while it has its critics, Amazon's MMO also...

Global Chat: Is Dragonflight living up to expectations?

While first impressions are all well and good, the mark of a solid MMO release is whether or not it can sustain interest and...
Rise of the TREE more like.

Pantheon Rise of the Fallen discusses development plans for the first portion of 2023

It's a new year and a new lineup of work for the developers of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, which is the primary focus...

Global Chat: The MMO blogs you should be reading in 2023

Welcome to a new year of Global Chat -- and with it, the anticipation of a great assortment of MMO blog essays, questions, guides,...

The Daily Grind: What MMO hill would you die on?

As this is the internet, everyone is absolutely required to have an opinion on everything. There are degrees of conviction, of course, and how...

Global Chat: Would Secret World have done better if it had been set in the 1920s?

Thanks to a recent piece by MMO Folklorist, I learned something that I had never known about The Secret World: Apparently, in early development...

The best MassivelyOP community Daily Grinds of 2022

2022 marks the fifth year in a row we've done this roundup, but the Daily Grind has been a recurring mini-column here on MassivelyOP...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best player community as of 2022?

Here's the thing about MMO community: There exists no perfect one. Every single one of them has bad elements. Some of them are out...

Desert Oasis: Black Desert’s Jaehee Kim and Jesse Joo on accessibility, community, and playing their own game

Attending the first Calpheon Ball in the US was an awesome experience. Getting to see fellow Black Desert fans, watching the joy in peoples' faces...

Global Chat: Shopping for a Star Wars Galaxies rogue server

Interested in going back to Star Wars Galaxies -- or trying it out for the first time -- but you find yourself paralyzed with...

Global Chat: The dawning of a new great MMO era

The next great era of MMORPGs is in the making right now and will dawn on us shortly -- or so postulates MMO Folklorist,...
It makes sense, given the context.

Global Chat: Turkeys terrorize New World

While y'all eat turkeys this week, in New World, the turkeys terrorize you! Heartless Gamer navigated the gobble massacre in excruciating detail. "Over all the...

Global Chat: Do SWTOR’s companions carry the player?

Due to issues of pride and fear of snarky comments, most of us might not admit to ever being carried through MMO content. But...

The Daily Grind: Should all MMORPGs include guild recruitment boards?

As someone who has made a hobby out of jumping around MMORPGs like Frogger, I've spent more time looking for guilds than I would...

Global Chat: Are you an MMO lone wolf even though you’ve tried to be social?

A recent post over at Words Under My Name resonated as the author shared how, despite multiple efforts to be social in MMOPGs, sooner...

The Daily Grind: How do you set up your MMO chat window?

While we often use it to talk, we almost never talk about chat windows in MMORPGs. Those unassuming boxes are the workhorses of our...

Global Chat: Landing boots on WoW Classic’s Wrath shores

With WoW Classic's Wrath expansion officially out, plenty of veterans of the Northrend Wars of '08 returned for another tour of duty. Among these...