halloween events

Massively on the Go: Pokemon Go’s October outlook offers more tricks than treats

It's almost October, and that means Halloween in Pokemon Go, where the tricks are expected and the treats come with bugs, no matter how...

Vitae Aeternum: First impressions of New World’s Brimstone Sands and Nightveil Hallow

It's finally here: New World has launched its fall update, and the Soulwardens of Aeternum now venture into the wastes of Brimstone Sands. This is...
Cool guys don't look at explosions.

Halloween comes to ArcheAge, Defiance 2050, and more Gamigo MMORPGs

When you're a publisher like Gamigo, you have the benefit of casting a wide net with your announcements. Case in point: The announcement from the...
Community organization is painful.

Halloween events across the MMORPG verse, 2017 edition

Hey, you. Yeah, you, dude leeching candy from the bucket you bought "for the neighborhood kids." And you, lady still trying to decide between...