

Dungeons & Dragons Online celebrates the Night Revels

Like so many other games in this season, Dungeons & Dragons Online is running an event celebrating the macabre, the scary, the spooky, and...

The Stream Team: Soaking up the Halloween spirit in The Secret World

When you are in the mood for Halloween, where do you go? To The Secret World, of course! Because every day is Halloween there....

The Secret World’s Samhain Halloween event stalks in next week

Halloween is just around the corner, and so is The Secret World's Samhain event: festivities kick off next Tuesday, October 27th.  Every year the...

Blade daywalks into Marvel Heroes this month

Blade is Marvel Heroes' 52nd playable character.  He's not quite in the game, yet, though, so put away your sharp stakes and fake vampire teeth....
This is... oh, you know the song, never mind.

Age of Conan kicks off a new Halloween event and a new raid

The spookiest of all possible holidays is almost here, and Age of Conan is getting in on the action with an all-new Halloween event....

Here is Daybreak’s Halloween event schedule

Daybreak has always been a huge proponent of Halloween, and this year is no different. Returning, new, and revised events are happening in pretty much...

Chaos Theory: Sneaking into The Park with Joel Bylos

Decisions, decisions. When you are invited to a special sneak peek of The Park, the upcoming single-player game based on The Secret World's own...

The Stream Team: Exploring EverQuest II’s pre-expansion and killer bunny events

October is most definitely a time for events, and EverQuest II upped the ante with three at one time! Not only is the Halloween-inspired...

World of Warships pits players against ghost ships

How do you celebrate Halloween in World of Warships? By battling it out with actual ghost ships, of course! From now through November 2nd, players in...

Trove patches in Halloween decorations and alters stats

You can decorate your personal space in Trove however you like; if you want pumpkins and spiders crawling about year-round, that's your business. But...
This is... you know.

All Saints’ Wake returns to Final Fantasy XIV

It's time once again for the residents of Eorzea to accept the somewhat horrifying antics of voidsent pranksters because All Saint's Wake has arrived...

ArcheAge’s Halloween event starts tomorrow

ArcheAge's Hallowtide "rises from the dead" on October 20th, according to Trion's latest website blurb. There's probably a joke in there relating to ArcheAge...
Everyone just likes burning scarecrows.

WildStar prepares for the Shade’s Eve event

Long before the time of players in WildStar, the first humans on Cassus were stricken by a deadly plague. A single young girl was...

The Stream Team: Duty calls in Final Fantasy XIV

Now that Massively OP's MJ has been back in Final Fantasy XIV for a bit, she's gotten back into the swing of using her...

Funcom’s The Park coming out on October 27th

Funcom's The Secret World spin-off The Park finally has a release date that gets it out in time for Halloween: October 27th. In addition to its...

Guild Wars 2 dives back into Halloween on October 23rd

Expansion? Who is thinking about expansions when Halloween is prowling about? Guild Wars 2 players will have plenty with which to keep themselves occupied later...

Happy Halloween from TERA! Who wants a ‘Lost Isle’ promo key? [All gone, thanks!]

TERA is one of those rare MMORPGs that seems to do better the longer it runs, and today, it's celebrating Halloween in a big...

Otherland teases Halloween event, reacts to player suggestions

Even in the midst of its early access testing, Otherland is planning some sort of Halloween event later this month along with a large...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World’s Carter and Issue 12.5

It's pretty common knowledge by now that Lead Designer Romain Amiel really likes to give teasers and spoilers for The Secret World. Unlike Twitter,...

One Shots: Skyscraping

Look up on that building! It's a bird! It's a gargoyle! It's... MOP reader Epelesker showing off his hero in Champions Online! "Unlike a grand...