
Stick and Rudder: Shaky space legs and promising potential in Elite Dangerous’ Odyssey alpha phase one

Yep. This certainly was an alpha test. For those who are curious, yes, I bought my way in to the Elite Dangerous Odyssey alpha, as did...

The Stream Team: Fire vs ice in Dungeons & Dragons Online’s Taming of the Flames

Some say the stream will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what Massively OP's MJ does desire she holds with those who favor fire. But unless...

The Stream Team: Droid party at Nar Shaddaa in SWTOR

Massively OP's Larry and MJ are closing in on the Shroud in SWTOR. Next up in the hunt: Nar Shaddaa, the big party planet...
You got boring real fast.

Elyon preps western closed beta, opens registrations on English website overhaul

Back in December, just as Elyon (fka Ascent Infinite Realm) was launching in Korea, we were left to get excited over the opening of...

The Stream Team: A pre-Easter egg hunt in Guild Wars 2

There can be only one Highlander, but there can be many griffon eggs in Guild Wars 2's Desert Highlands. And Massively OP's MJ will...

Choose My Adventure: I think I accidentally turned my Cleric into a Necromancer in RIFT

One of the big selling points in RIFT has always been the ability to combine three of the game's Souls into a custom class....

The Stream Team: Undead frolicking at Path of Exile Ritual altars

It's odd to Massively OP's MJ: Ritual is not her favorite Path of Exile league, but it sure keeps pulling her back! That tantalizing...

Pantheon aims high for its undated Alpha One test

Considering all of the crowdfunding invested and time spent waiting for Pantheon to be built, supporters of the upcoming MMO are undeniably eager to...

The Stream Team: Checking out Mortal Online 2’s beta stress test (plus some extra keys!)

Have you been curious about Mortal Online 2? Are you interested in taking a sneak peek? Massively OP's MJ is on both counts --...

The Stream Team: Starting up the new Sandsea story in AQ3D

Massively OP's MJ has been eagerly awaiting new story in AQ3D, and now it's here! The Sandsea story is starting in the town of...

The Stream Team: Warframe’s Space Ninjas turn eight

Do Space Ninjas celebrate birthdays? Of course! And Massively OP's MJ is ready to party with all the space ninjas in Warframe. With eight...

Hands-on with Monster Hunter Rise: Well-worth the cost of admission

Well, as Monster Hunter Rise is finally out. We received a pair of review copies at the last minute, so with about 10 hours...

The Stream Team: Helping Historian Thrimbul fight fire lords in Neverwinter

Where there's fire, there are firefighters. And in Neverwinter, Massively OP's MJ is the fire fighter! Historian Thrimbul needs her help to make the...

The Stream Team: Celebrating seven years of SMITE

SMITE commemorates its seventh birthday today, and Massively OP's MJ is ready to celebrate with the gods! And the fact that pets are invited...

The Stream Team: LOTRO puts a spring (festival) in your step

Spring is here, and that means so is the spring festival in LOTRO, and Massively OP's MJ welcomes both the season and the celebration....

Choose My Adventure: What Wizard101 taught me about ‘kiddie’ MMOs

My brief time in Wizard101 has pointed out to me a rather deep-seated assumption I had held about the game. Granted, I had said...

The Stream Team: Blasting to the past through EverQuest II’s Chronoportals

Sure sure, there's still an expansion to play through in EQII, but how is Massively OP's MJ supposed to pull herself away from all...

The Stream Team: Seeking side quests in Elder Scrolls Online

Massively OP's MJ has finished the main story of ESO's Greymoor, but she missed quite a few side quests along the way. Not only...

Magic Legends starts open beta pre-loading for next Tuesday’s test

Are you ready for the beta? Magic Legends is cracking open its boosters and shuffling its decks in anticipation for this coming Tuesday's open...

The Stream Team: Finding piece(s of yourself) in the mountains of Valheim

Ahh, the serenity of the mountains. Massively OP's MJ goes there to find peace. But in Valheim, she's likely to find pieces of herself!...