heidel ball

Puff puff.

Black Desert Mobile unveils Dosa class, summer season server, and new game modes at Heidel Ball

This past weekend saw a Heidel Ball presentation premiere for Black Desert Mobile, and as fans might expect, there were a few reveals for...

From castles to conservation to content, I had a ball at Black Desert’s Heidel Ball 2024

It may have been a bit since the end of Pearl Abyss' Heidel Ball 2024, celebrating 10 years of Black Desert Online, but it's...

The Stream Team: Touring Heidel in Black Desert and real life

Like many others, Massively OP's MJ was fascinated to learn that one of the best-known cities in Black Desert Online was actually based on...

Black Desert Mobile schedules its own Heidel Ball presentation on July 27

Sure, we've already had a Heidel Ball presentation for the PC and console versions of Black Desert (and make sure you check out our...

Heidel Ball 2024: The streets of the real Heidel of Black Desert

Have you ever wandered around an interesting or beautiful area in a game and wished that you could traverse such a locale in real...

Heidel Ball 2024: Black Desert is adding Seoul and the Dosa class, then going to the past

Given that Black Desert Online is celebrating its 10th anniversary with an event in the very town that inspired the game's first city (Heidel),...

Here’s how to watch the keynote for Black Desert’s Heidel Ball in a French castle this weekend

In case you have somehow missed in over the last few weeks of mentioning it, Black Desert is holding its summer community spectacle this...

Black Desert’s 2024 Heidel Ball takes over a real-world castle in France on June 22

The Heidel Ball presentation event has always been a big deal for Black Desert, and the 2024 edition of the affair is doing things...

Heidel Ball 2021: Black Desert announces summer season server, shows off new Corsair class

Earlier this morning, Black Desert held its digital Heidel Ball event, which was stuffed to the rafters with announcements and reveals. At the top...

Black Desert announces digital Heidel Ball convention for June 19

Black Desert's gearing up for a summer convention of its own as Pearl Abyss announced this morning the return of Heidel Ball. As in...

Desert Oasis: Black Desert’s Hashashin, new server types, PvP changes, and new regions

I would be lying if I told you that I stayed up late this weekend just so I could hear the executive producer Jae-Hee...

Desert Oasis: Recapping Black Desert’s Heidel Ball, from backstage to balancing

One of the complications of playing playing Black Desert is that it operates on UTC. Since I live in California, aka the center of...

Black Desert has a horsey event and a schedule for the digital Heidel Ball, mobile has an Enraged Red Nose

It's horsey time in Black Desert! Technically, any time can be horsey time, but the latest update has a very horse-specific event as well...

E3 2019: Black Desert announces Great Expedition expansion and adorable Shai class

Black Desert brought the good stuff to fan con Heidel Ball this weekend thanks to a slew of announcements about new content inbound for...