heroes of the storm

Official Site: Heroes of the Storm
Studio: Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date: N/A
Genre: Fantasy MOBA
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, Mac


Blizzard scales back Heroes of the Storm development cadence, esports, and dev team

If you wondered how Blizzard MOBA Heroes of the Storm was performing, today's announcement should serve as a pretty good clue it's not going...

The MOP Up: TERA’s Valkyrie goes to console while Vainglory comes to PC

No matter what platform you're on, there's good stuff coming your way! TERA's Valkyrie update is finally making the jump to Xbox One and...
Doooo not care

The MOP Up: Free Overwatch this Thanksgiving

Don't have Thanksgiving plans past gorging on dead bird carcasses and mashed-up roots? Blizzard has just the thing for you: Free Overwatch! "From November 20th...

Blizzard talks Overwatch’s Echo character, big-screen ambitions, and crossplay potential

Most of the buzz coming out of BlizzCon's Overwatch reveals centered on the new playable bad-girl Ashe, who is totally not just McCree but...
It only became real very recently.

BlizzCon 2018: What the heck happened?

Every year, I cover BlizzCon for Massively Overpowered. This is not new information; you've all seen my liveblogs running every year for quite some...
Knives out.

BlizzCon 2018: Diablo Immortal lore, zone, class, and Q&A recap

Blizzard's Wyatt Cheng and Matthew Burger took the stage for the Diablo Immortal Q&A panel at BlizzCon tonight, clearly aware of the drama swirling...

BlizzCon 2018: Heroes of the Storm trailers and recap

During the BlizzCon opening ceremonies today, Heroes of the Storm got more love than usual with a giant cinematic trailer for the game Blizzard refers to as its "love letter to [its] favorite Blizzard characters." The video - and screencaps below - features Orphea, a free character for all attendees and virtual tix holders. Enjoy!
This went over great.

BlizzCon 2018: Opening ceremonies liveblog

It's that time again, dear readers, a time of listening to staff members from Blizzard talk about the company on stage at the newest annual BlizzCon! And because everyone seems to enjoy it when we liveblog these ceremonies every year, it seems like we might as well do that again.
Everyone wants to feel like a hero. Sometimes there's not a hero moment.

BlizzCon 2018: Get yourself ready with BlizzCon Bingo

Yes, it's time for another BlizzCon, and as always that means a lot of panels, a lot of nonsense, and... well, let's face it,...
Welcome to priority town.

Blizzard’s esports mobile app is available now on Android and iOS

If you're a fan of Blizzard games and esports who wants to make sure you're always up-to-date on the latest news and events, then...
So. Bye?

Heroes of the Storm director Alan Dabiri is moving on to other things in Blizzard

It's time for a shifting of the guard within Heroes of the Storm's development staff, as game director Alan Dabiri announced that he is...
This is perhaps more than a tease.

Heroes of the Storm announces the arrival of Mal’ganis

Characters from the Warcraft franchise make up the lion's share of the heroes in Heroes of the Storm, but there are still some notable...
Back in time.

BlizzCon 2018: Blizzard reveals key panels for Diablo, WoW Classic

We're just a month away from BlizzCon now, and as it's the biggest last gaming con of the year that we focus on, we're...

The MOP Up: Blizzard’s new playgrounds

Ranked Season 4 started up in Heroes of the Storm this past week, and that's just the start of the fun with Blizzard's MOBA....

Blizzard is disabling Overwatch and HOTS lockbox purchases for Belgian players

Earlier this year, Belgium took up the anti-lootbox cause, becoming one of the first countries to investigate lockboxes in online games and ultimately threatening...

Gamescom 2018: Blizzard announces Diablo’s Mephisto for Heroes of the Storm, Tychus and crew for StarCraft II

Blizzard is rolling into Cologne with a bunch of Gamescom reveals for some of its titles, two of which are on display already today. First...

World of Warcraft admits that it has a serious leveling problem

World of Warcraft's expansion pre-patch kind of broke a lot of stuff that the devs are frantically rushing around trying to fix. One of...
Nothing can ever stay the same.

Heroes of the Storm tests out two hero reworks while prepping new skins

The latest patch for Heroes of the Storm is up on the game's test realm, and it contains a new set of hero reworks....
The Guitar Hero rush hit us all.

The Soapbox: Do MMOs still fall victim to the copycat curse?

When Radical Heights launched, I was inspired to put together a whole Perfect Ten about why trend-chasing doesn't work for online games. Obviously, my...

Heroes of the Storm brings players into the Alterac Pass battleground, bans miscreants

There is a lot of stuff in Heroes of the Storm that's meant as an homage to classic bits of Blizzard games, but the...