hybrid b2p

Guild Wars counts down to Wintersday 2016

Not content to let younger sibling Guild Wars 2 have all of the Wintersday fun, the classic Guild Wars is getting ready to roll...
FSC title GW2 PvP

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 PvP league changes explained

Guild Wars 2 fans had a strong inkling that some significant, much-needed changes would be a large part of the PvP League's season 5 launch, and...
Call a spade a spade.

Guild Wars 2’s Wintersday also features some hidden activities

Enjoying the Guild Wars 2 Wintersday festivities? Have you already seen all that's on offer? That's quite the accomplishment, seeing as how it's only...

Wintersday and PvP season 5 arrive in Guild Wars 2 today

Christmas rolls out across Tyria today as Guild Wars 2's Wintersday begins! “It’s time for long winter nights, snowball fights, and exchanging gifts. Wintersday arrives...

One Shots: Shifty adorableness

I don't want any of us to be fooled by this picture. Shifty-eyed evil comes in many forms, the most deceptive of which is...

More skill splits are coming to Guild Wars 2’s PvP scene

Guild Wars 2 players advocating skill segregation between the PvE and PvP spheres have another victory in the making for next week's Season 5:...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 94: Play this expansion, meatbag!

Justin, Bree, and Larry talk SWTOR KOTET, Elder Scrolls Online lockboxes, GW2, Black Desert, Daybreak, and Crowfall, with a mailbag question on the Nostalrius WoW emulator.
Llook out, Llary! It's the llandlllord!

Guild Wars 2’s fifth season of PvP and Wintersday begin next week [Updated]

Guild Wars 2 PvP players, listen up: You're getting some of what you've been craving. Anet confirmed today that its PvP revamp is landing...

The Daily Grind: Who was the best new character added in an MMORPG in 2016?

We're gearing up to kick off our annual awards later this month, but in the meantime, we thought it would be fun to incorporate...

MMO Mechanics: 2016’s MMORPG mechanics in review

The holiday season is finally upon us: My decorations are resurrected from their dark corner of my storage closets once more, Jack Frost is...

One Shots: Night voyage

Hark! What is that over there, on the ocean? 'Tis nothing. Probably some local fisherman out for a pleasure cruise at night in eel-infested...
Have pride.

Guild Wars 2 PvP lead Josh Davis leaves ArenaNet

ArenaNet is short one grouch this week. Associate Global Brand Manager and Competitive Events Manager Josh Davis, otherwise known as Grouch, announced on Friday that...

Guild Wars 2 works player characters into official lore

Have you been following the tenacious adventures of Vikki and her pet Momo? This ongoing story saga has played out on Guild Wars 2's...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Unpacking Guild Wars 2’s A Crack in the Ice

I've covered plenty of ground since my initial impressions piece went live last week, and I'm hoping that you've had time to play Guild Wars...

Guild Wars 2’s Nightmare Fractals aim to mix accessibility with complexity

Fractals: Love 'em or hate 'em, they're here to stay in Guild Wars 2. The latest, dubbed The Nightmare Fractal, is a ground-up do-over...

Global Chat: Recapturing the MMO magic

I suspect that much of the willingness of players to pour money into MMO Kickstarters is out of a strong desire to see games...

Guild Wars 2 AMA covers lockboxes, old dungeons, and economy quirks

Last night, ArenaNet's Mike O'Brien and 16 other members of the Guild Wars 2 live team hopped on Reddit for an AMA coinciding with...

First impressions of Guild Wars 2’s A Crack in the Ice episode

ArenaNet gave us all word of a seasonably frosty addition to the Guild Wars 2 Living World story last week: The third instalment of season...

Where is Jeremy Soule’s Kickstarter symphony?

Back in 2013, Composer Jeremy Soule (Landmark, Guild Wars 2) launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise $10,000 to fund his personal project of creating...

Massively OP’s 2016 gift guide for the Guild Wars 2 fanatic

The best holiday of the year is almost here! I'm talking about Black Friday, of course, that magical day when everything is on sale! I'm...