internet spaceships

EVE Evolved: Making stories with friends in EVE Online

It's one of the more peculiar laws of the universe that when enough EVE Online players meet in the real world, they absolutely must swap stories. You...

Star Citizen fends off pirates (the fun kind)

One thing that's for certain in the future of interstellar expansion, and that is the assurance that plucky pirates will take their Jolly Rogers...

EVE Online starts the process of electing its next player council

When the winter is coldest on the coast of Iceland, CCP lugs out its 20-foot wooden alpine horn and blows a signal that can...
I've got to get gone, I've got to get going.

Star Trek Online details the rewards for the Lukari Restoration Initiative

Why is the Federation fighting the Tzenkethi in Star Trek Online? To defend a sentient race, obviously. (You don't need as much justification for...

Watch EVE Online’s dev history, in a mesmerizing timelapse video

Wanna geek out over something bizarrely beautiful? CCP Games posted a video this morning that shows a 30-minute timelapse representation of EVE Online development...
It's like three games for the price of... well, actually, it's two games now.

Star Citizen Q&A addresses the persistent universe

For MMORPG players, at least, the holy grail of Star Citizen's rollout is its persistent universe: a shared, ongoing server that's most familiar to...

Star Trek Online opens new crafting line in Season 12

There may be a Reckoning coming to Star Trek Online later this month, but it doesn't mean that captains have to start quaking in...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 100: The nesting instinct in Elder Scrolls Online

Justin and Larry discuss Elder Scrolls Online housing, ARK, The Repopulation, the Switch, Nostalrius, HeroWarz, Pathfinder, and Star Trek Online.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO do you most regret Kickstarting?

With Pathfinder Online, The Repopulation, and TUG all back in the news this week either hunting for money, being acquired, or undergoing a total...

The Repopulation will relaunch in Q1 2017, now owned by Idea Fabrik

"Great News! The Repopulation is coming back!" -- or so said a hastily deleted tweet from Idea Fabrik last night, which you might have...
Shocking no one, you fight the Tzenkethi.

Star Trek Online details the new queues for Season 12

The Tzenkethi are going to be your main foes in Star Trek Online's Season 12, so it only makes sense that the season would...

Chronicles of Elyria adds City of Heroes animator to the team

Soulbound Studios has a new year's resolution for Chronicles of Elyria: "kick so much ass." "The next few months will see us preparing a playable...

Here’s how Star Citizen’s alien languages are being constructed from nothing

"Don't waste your time learning Klingon, it ain't no use," Luna sang way back in 1996, but clearly, they had never met Britton Watkins,...
There was something beautiful and wonderful and it destroyed itself.

Massively Overthinking: Tab-target vs. action combat in MMORPGs

Massively OP patron Duane is kicking the new year off right: with a brawl over combat types in MMOs. "Tab-target, action, or hybrid combat, for...

Elite: Dangerous updated powerplay in its big patch this week

Elite: Dangerous' 2.2.03 patch rolled out yesterday to players on both PC and Xbox One. While it's primarily a large balancing and tweak patch,...

EVE Online fixes latency bugs, will redeploy 119.1 Thursday

Whatever stability problem CCP encountered with EVE Online's 119.1 patch that caused the studio to implement a rare rollback from yesterday's planned launch has...
Guerillas in the mist, indeed.

Star Trek Online launches Season 12 on January 26

It's hard to believe that Star Trek Online is coming up on its seventh anniversary. But you should believe it; the game has been...

Pantheon recaps 2016, explores vertical grouping dungeon Amberfaet

"2016 was a formidable year for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen and its fans," Visionary Realms declares in its latest newsletter, which includes two...

Jukebox Heroes: Six MMOs that need official soundtrack releases

For an avid fan of video game soundtracks, and of MMO soundtracks in particular, the most frustrating aspect of collecting and listening to these...
Take that, EVE.

Star Trek Online details the vessels of the Tzenkethi

As cool as the troops of the Tzenkethi look, the race would not be a plausible threat in Star Trek Online without starships. It'd...