
If you forget the fact that it was during the day and there were only the two of us and it wasn't outside by a wooden table it was exactly like this.

PAX East 2015: A chat with SOTA’s Richard Garriott

Richard Garriott casts a long shadow in the MMO industry, with Ultima Online serving as the first fully graphical MMO and ushering in the genre...

Revival dev: ‘It is like literally being on a live TV show’

The creators of Star Citizen's FPS module, Illfonic, are also hard at work on their horror MMO Revival. A new interview with Creative Director...
Star Citizen

Roberts on Star Citizen’s funding model, Minecraft, and more

Polygon posted an interview with Chris Roberts this week, and it's worth a read if you're still wearing your Star-Citizen-is-a-Ponzi-scheme cap. "People can only...

Crowfall: The ultimate union of MMOs and strategy

What do you get when you take a few of the most experienced developers in the MMO industry and give them the freedom to...
Put this in a thing to store it.

OARPG Lost Ark might be destined for the west

Great news for those who had their minds blown with that Steparu Lost Ark video last year: The Diablo-esque action RPG may indeed be...

World of Warcraft dev spills the secrets of Patch 6.1

We can't blame World of Warcraft fans for being in an excitement tizzy (that's a thing, right?) over the upcoming Patch 6.1, as it...

Warhammer 40k: You’re a soldier, not the chosen one

If you are bone tired of the MMO trope where you (and millions of other players) are the chosen hero fated to rescue the...

Richard Garriott: Open development and crowdsourcing is a ‘joy’

There's a lot of debate and discussion these days as to the virtues and usefulness of early access and transparent development, but at least...

Ever, Jane’s lead developer is building a most unusual MMO

Have you heard about Ever, Jane and thought to yourself, "Who would make this kind of MMO?" Well, now you can meet the creator...