

E-sports, permadeath, and completionist are now in the

18 has granted a bit of legitimacy to a trio of gaming terms. E-sports, permadeath, and completionist were among the latest batch of words...

Chaos Theory: Reaping the Whirlwind in The Secret World’s Issue #11

To spoil or not to spoil; that is the question. When it comes to The Secret World, that's a very serious question indeed! As much...

Daybreak’s John Smedley: EverQuest Next isn’t ‘vaporware’

Even though the big SOE-to-Daybreak transformation happened three months ago, the entire ordeal still feels fresh to many fans. An air of uncertainty permeates speculation...

Meta: Gaiscioch Magazine chronicles Massively OP’s comeback

Here's a bit of meta for your afternoon: Massively Overpowered isn't just covering the news; we are the news! After Massively OP's whirlwind spring, renowned MMO...

MMO Week in Review: The future of EverQuest Next [May 3, 2015]

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review! You...

EverQuesting: Daybreak expounds on Landmark’s postponed wipe

Some pretty big changes are on their way to Landmark, not the least of which is the final full character wipe and an extensive...

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns interview unwraps specializations and traits

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, readers of all races, professions, and levels: I finally have the news we've all been waiting for! Today...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Exclusive Guild Wars 2 Maguuma Hylek interview

I had the pleasure of chatting with Scott McGough, a Guild Wars 2 narrative designer who is currently working hard on Heart of Thorns content, about...
Stunning absolutely no one who's been following along, it's like people don't want MMOs to be jobs any longer.

Black Desert adjusts for ‘casual lite’ Korean market

Every game changes during testing, but Black Desert seems to have changed even more significantly compared to its original vision from the fan standpoint. One...
Fighting the good fight... in really, really ugly armor.

Interview: Star Trek Online’s Al Rivera on the looming Iconians

The Iconians are coming to Star Trek Online, and if you've been playing the game during the past five years, you know that's a...

Those Halo Online modders aren’t scared of Microsoft

Microsoft's recent DMCA takedown notice may have temporarily derailed plans to liberate Halo Online from its Russia-only prison, but the modders responsible for last...

EverQuest II cuts expansions, debuts DLCs with Rum Cellar

With everything that has happened over the last couple of months, players are understandably curious and concerned about of the future of Daybreak Games'...
Right in half.

Star Citizen whale talks purchases vs. donations

If you've been hiding under a rock for the past couple of years and have no clue about the crowdfunded beast that is Star...

Crowfall passes $1.4 million in fundraising, eyes Minotaurs

In the final hours of Crowfall's Kickstarter campaign, the community and studio are racing to see just how high they can push that final...

Factions: Origins of Malu’s early access launch and interview

Origins of Malu has certainly had a long, bumpy road to launch. Showing up on our radar back in August 2011, this title has...
Now rather finite.

Infinite Crisis’ creative director on making an approachable MOBA

Lorehound interviewed Infinite Crisis creative director Cardell Kerr at last week's PAX East. Kerr offers a bit of insight into Turbine's decision to redesign...
Roberts and Garriott

Garriott teaches Roberts about zero-G physics in pre-interview footage

Gamers Nexus spoke with industry legends Richard Garriott and Chris Roberts over the weekend, but I couldn't tell you the first thing about the...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World’s enhanced player experience

Amazing story, awesome cutscenes, phenomenal atmosphere, compelling missions, incredible NPCs... The Secret World definitely has a lot of good things going for it. It...

Crowfall devs: ‘We see crafters as a full-time playstyle’

Crowfall's Kickstarter campaign has crossed the 12,000 backer mark and hit yet another stretch goal. This means that the team will be giving an All-Father...

Elite: Dangerous’ David Braben on PC vs. console development

Last week at GDC Frontier announced that Elite: Dangerous is headed to the Xbox One in 2015. Predictably, this caused a bit of consternation amongst...