
Infinite Crisis officially launches

Although you wouldn't be alone in thinking that Turbine's Infinite Crisis released a long, long time ago due to its extended stay in the...

The Stream Team: Exploring the swamps of Factions: Origins of Malu with devs

Early Access of Origins of Malu has begun, which means players can now get in and check out the battlegrounds while wandering through some...

Chaos Theory: Quit whining and pay for your Secret World content

Those of you who know me know that ranting is not exactly my forte. Although I have dabbled in it a bit here and...

The Stream Team: I am Groot, kind of

March's Choose My Adventure Sampler Platter Edition continues tonight with a little bit of Marvel Heroes 2015. Join Massively OP's Mike Foster as he...

The Stream Team: Watch H1Z1 zombies and win a mouse

There's nothing quite as important as gathering all the essentials for living in a post-apocalyptic world -- assuming you want to live, that is!...

Choose My Adventure: Torchlight Heroes

Our March sampler-platter edition of Choose My Adventure is quickly coming to a close. There's only one more vote to take, one more game...

Win a Skyforge closed beta key from Massively OP [All gone now!]

Russian sci-fantasy MMORPG Skyforge just began its second round of western closed beta yesterday. If you bought a founder pack or got lucky with...

The Stream Team: Conquering EverQuest II’s Chronoportals

The fact that EverQuest II was literally born out of the popularity of EverQuest is not lost on the younger game, and during the...

Trove adding fishing, ships, and pirates

Trove players are being called to don their galoshes and pack up their tackle box, as the game is preparing to unload a new...

The Stream Team: Sharing the story in Marvel Heroes

MassivelyOP's MJ is already decisionally impaired, and nothing emphasizes that as much as trying to choose whom to play in Marvel Heroes! There are...

Dungeon Fighter Online returns tomorrow

After a two-year absence from the NA gaming scene, Dungeon Fighter Online is roaring back for another chance. The title's first open beta test...

MOP Giveaway: Rosewill gaming keyboard courtesy of Newegg

Time to win some free gaming stuff! We're pleased to present three giveaways this week thanks to our sponsor Newegg and its Rosewill store. The first...

SWTOR livestream introduces new planet, outfit designer

Star Wars: The Old Republic teased at the Community Cantina and in the producer's letter that 3.2 would be one of the biggest patches...

The Stream Team: Guild Wars 2 and a giveaway

MJ is her name, and exploration is her game. That certainly bodes well for Guild Wars 2; there's plenty of undiscovered land for Massively...
I cannot believe dolphingate is a thing. How is reporting on this my job. How would I explain this to my grandpa. Or my grandkids when I'm old.

Trion makes amends for ArcheAge’s dolphingate

During its official ArcheAge stream earlier today, Trion Worlds explained just how it will make amends to its players for the dolphingate fallout -- dolphingate being,...

The Stream Team: Preparing for The Secret World’s Issue #11

With the welcome announcement that The Secret World's Issue #11 is coming next month, it's more important than ever that MassivelyOP's MJ makes it...

EVE Fanfest 2015: EVE is getting customisable structures and player-built stargates

It's often said that EVE Online is ultimately built by its players and that the developer's job is to produce the tools for players...

The Stream Team: Getting spacey in Landmark

If you think everything about Landmark is fantasy, think again! We've seen planes, trains, and even some automobiles in this sandbox. Now MassivelyOP's MJ wants...

Choose My Adventure: Path of Marvel

In last week's Choose My Adventure, we learned a few magic spells and set off to conquer a tiny portion of Diablo III's hellish...

The Stream Team: A reintroduction to The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online officially transitioned to buy-to-play today, and that makes it a perfect time for MassivelyOP's MJ to jump back in and...