lord of the rings

See: Lord of the Rings Online

LOTRO tests out a new build of its Grey Mountains update

Hope you've about finished up your adventures in Dale, fair travelers, because Lord of the Rings Online will soon be calling you to lands...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs are nearly different games with max settings or upgraded clients?

MOP reader Nibbana has a great question for The Daily Grind today. "So I just picked up Shadow in order to run my favorite...

Check out some of the new dwarven zones coming in Lord of the Rings Online’s Update 23

At GenCon earlier this month, Lord of the Rings Online studio Standing Stone dished on some of the goodies coming to the game in...

Global Chat: Everybody’s burning up about that Sylvanas thing

Yes, just about every MMO blogger was sharing heated opinions about last week's World of WarCraft WarCrime. "It’s such a sad event and I’m particularly...

The Daily Grind: Where have you gotten bogged down in MMO play?

Probably one of my biggest bugaboos (that's a technical term) in MMO play is when I get bogged down trying to progress through a...

Lord of the Rings Online hypes up dragons, 64-bit client, and Minas Morgul

Last week's GenCon in Indy turned out to be a surprising source of information for fans of Standing Stone Games. First we found out...

Saga of Lucimia’s epic quests will take ‘time, effort, and teamwork’ to finish

What defines an epic adventure? This is the burning question that Saga of Lucimia is tackling this week, starting with the derisive analysis of...

The Stream Team: Better hop to it to get your LOTRO bunny!

This is a day for lasts. LOTRO has opened the Yule Festival up so folks can escape the heat of summer, but it is...

LOTRO Legendarium: Is Lord of the Rings Online aging well?

By now, to me, Lord of the Rings Online is a comfortable, well-worn friend that always offers a very predictable and enjoyable experience whenever...

One Shots: Motion sickness

Our headlining picture today comes with a request for some help, so we're calling all Warframe players to give their aid! "So I finally decided...

LOTRO’s new Christmas quest is now live

Looking to keep out of trouble in Middle-earth? Lord of the Rings Online is field-testing a brand-new Christmas quest for the next week --...

Worlds Adrift announces its first player council, says the playerbase will pick the next round

Longtime MMORPG fans will know that the concept of player councils and senates, liaisons between the playerbase and the developers, have long been a...

Lord of the Rings Online brings Christmas to July

Just because it's the middle of the summer doesn't mean that Middle-earth can't enjoy some frosty fun! Lord of the Rings Online is bringing...

Missed LOTRO’s Weatherstock X? Watch (and listen) to the full experience!

Are you kicking yourself that you missed out on last weekend's Weatherstock X in Lord of the Rings Online? The tenth player music festival,...

Perfect Ten: The best expansions for specific MMOs

Looking over the past two decades or so, MMORPGs have grown by leaps and bounds with regular releases, events, and (of course) expansion packs....

One Shots: Party animals

Apologies for the disruption in the normal One Shots schedule over the past couple of weeks, but we're back and freakishly abnormal! Everyone behave...

Tamriel Infinium: The bizarre lore of the Hist in Elder Scrolls Online – and how it could matter in Murkmire

Although our next Elder Scrolls Online venture into Black Marsh is still many months away, I thought I would take a moment to talk...

LOTRO calls Middle-earth groupies to celebrate Weatherstock X

There is perhaps no MMO player music festival as well-known and -attended as the yearly bash at the summit of Lord of the Rings...

Battle Bards Episode 124: Old MMOs, new music

It’s a catch-all, catch-up episode for the Battle Bards as they dig through new soundtrack releases from MMORPGs that they’ve covered in the past!...

Perfect Ten: Best MMO debuts by year, 2007-2017

Continuing from my previous column that went back to 1997, I'm going to be running through the second decade of graphical MMORPG launches and...