maintenance mode

Elite Dangerous puts console to PC wealth transfers on hold to assess possible changes

Before Elite: Dangerous studio Frontier Developments elected to put the kibosh on content development for consoles, it allowed players a one-time transfer of wealth...
Right, right, space. We're in it.

Elite Dangerous brings Fleet Carrier interiors, functioning seats, and a new mission type in Update 11

After a couple of delays and the unfortunate news that the console version is effectively going into maintenance mode, Update 11 of Elite: Dangerous...

Elite Dangerous has fully canceled console development to prioritize PC

We're sorry to report this morning that Frontier has just announced that it will be canceling console development of Elite Dangerous, essentially sending the...

Choose My Adventure: The Secret World proves to be a familiar yet lonesome place

It has been a very long time, old friend. Yet still, here you are, simply existing. Nesting in silence. Disassociated, forgotten, but still just...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO suffers from the worst inflation?

Last week, I got a pingback on my old personal blog: Another site had linked to my 2011 article about inflation in five MMOs...

EG7 Q4 2021: EG7 and Daybreak post huge revenues, bank future on MTGO, LOTRO

Overnight, Swedish gaming company Enad Global 7 posted its Q4 2021 financial report, which of course is useful to MMORPG players as EG7 has...
The yeller.

Perfect Ten: Bad takes about Microsoft buying Activision-Blizzard and why they’re wrong

Sigh. So today's column is one that I really didn't have an urgent desire to write, but then we started talking about the various...
Bees, bees, they're everywhere.

Leaderboard: What’s the most vulnerable Daybreak MMO in 2022?

It's time for another annual tradition: examining Daybreak's prospects. We started back in 2015, when Sony cast off SOE and it was reshaped as...
Through the fire and the flames

WoW Factor: Is World of Warcraft a good value for the money?

There are a lot of reasons to not be subscribed to World of Warcraft at the moment, although "the current state of the game...

End-of-Year Eleven: The biggest MMO stories of 2021

As the year that was 2021 comes to a close -- raise a glass, give a toast, and perhaps think of a few fond...
We still care.

Final Fantasy XI’s producer looks ahead to the 20-year anniversary of the game in 2022

It's been 20 years since Final Fantasy XI originally launched in Japan... or rather, it will be in a few months. (The launch anniversary is...

KingsIsle confirms new Pirate101 content for 2022 is in the works, looks back at 2021 design goals for Wizard101

Before launching into this story, let's put out a quick review. At the beginning of this year, players of Pirate101 started up a "flood...
New world, old problems.

End-of-year Eleven: The MMOs with the most uncertain futures going into 2022

All right, so let's start with the disclaimer that I put right at the start of this article every single year, which at least...
Like a boss.

Final Fantasy XI opens up the Adventurer Gratitude Campaign for the new year

Hey, you! Final Fantasy XI appreciates that you're playing. What's that? You're not playing? Well why the heck not? It can't be because the game...

Titanfall enters maintenance mode as it’s removed from digital storefronts

For those who were curious about trying out Titanfall, the online FPS from Respawn Entertainment, we've got some particularly unfortunate news. The studio has...

Gamigo investor report promises a ‘great update’ for RIFT in Q1, Atlas Rogues is abandoned

It's a bit of good news and unsurprising bad news out of the third quarter investor report from MGI, the company that runs Gamigo....
Laser needles.

Global Chat: Do you suffer from FOMO when an MMO expansion comes out?

With Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker on the horizon, there's an undeniable wave of FOMO -- fear of missing out -- that's sweeping through the...

The Daily Grind: If your favorite MMO announced maintenance mode tomorrow, would you keep playing?

If you'll permit me to butcher the old phrase about getting older vs. dying... maintenance mode sucks, but it's better than the alternative. Maintenance mode,...
It just keeps happening.

WoW Factor: BlizzCon is BlizzGone, so what’s next for WoW?

If you needed a sign of just how bad things were getting at Blizzard HQ, that sign came with the announcement that BlizzConline was...

ARK Survival Evolved’s Fear Evolved triples harvesting, taming rates through November 9

ARK Survival Evolved may be in de facto maintenance mode thanks to developer Studio Wildcard's efforts on a sequel, but that doesn't mean it's...