
It's for my experimental patch which nobody knows about, and yet...

Gigantic releases a big (experimental) update today

The beta test for Gigantic is still ongoing despite the financial difficulty of its development studio, but you can't take part in that test...
Of course, sometimes you get away with a lot without calls of copyright infringement anyway.

Paladins previews Glacier Keep map, Winter Wonderland patch

If you live in wintry climes, then this week's Paladins trailer swoop-through may just make you colder. Hi-Rez's cameras follow character Evie as she zips...
This is the way the world ends.

SMITE rolls out Season 3 with a new map, new skins, and new mechanics

The third season of SMITE has begun! Will Brad reveal his love for Dylan? Will anyone realize that Rachel is carrying Simon's child? Does...
The world is full of dangerous stuff. Survive it all by not being there.

Revival plots the course of cartography

If you have a lifelong vendetta against all things cartographical, be prepared for a lot of stumbling around while lost in Revival. The latest...

Eternal Crusade shows off the frozen Pegasus Station

The new hotness in Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade is definitely the Pegasus Station map. This industrial base is set in the frozen arctic and...
In the grim darkness of whatever, blah blah explosions.

Eternal Crusade’s alpha is meant as a dry run of the live experience

Are you of the mind that Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade jumped into alpha a little bit too early? A new state of the game...

World of Tanks’ new global map debuts Wednesday

World of Tanks is getting a new global map this Wednesday. The revamped map has been in open beta for a couple of months,...
Always the same.

Diablo III previews the Ruins of Sescheron for patch 2.3

In one respect, Diablo III is fairly littered with powerful treasures. That's the core of its gameplay. You are assaulted by a rain of...
That map is big? Yeah, yeah, yeah! It's not small? No, no, no!

Neverwinter demos its biggest map ever

The more things you want going on in a single map, the bigger the map needs to be. If all you want is for...

SMITE reworks Nox and improves the Arena

It's a rough ride when your main deity in SMITE gets hit with big changes; you have to learn how to play the character...

Heroes of the Storm readies Eternal Conflict patch

Last week, Heroes of the Storm launched. But that was the past, and Blizzard is all about looking ahead to the future. Part of...

Landmark’s new island shapes revealed

If you are eager to scope out Landmark's new landscapes in order to find the perfect spot to construct your next home, you can get...

Three Elder Scrolls Online mods you shouldn’t play without

If you have not jumped into Elder Scrolls Online yet, you should really give it a shot. With its latest update and B2P transition, it's...

Guild Wars 2’s new desert WvW map revealed

If you weren't in London for EGX Rezzed and don't usually devote your Saturdays to watching livestreams, you missed the reveal of Guild Wars...

Guild Wars 2 teases upcoming WvW borderlands map

Congratulations to European Guild Wars 2 PvP team Orange Logo, who polished off ArenaNet's ESL World Tournament at this year's PAX East last night by upsetting...

The Game Archaeologist: Ten facts of EverQuest life circa 1999

MMOs change. We know that, but we also tend to forget it as well. The games that we play today can often be light-years...