marvel heroes

Official Site: Marvel Heroes
Studio: Gazillion Entertainment
Launch Date: June 4, 2013
Sunset Date: November 27, 2017
Genre: Superhero MMOARPG
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

The Stream Team: Party on as Marvel Heroes marks three years

What craziness is this? MassivelyOP's MJ is playing Marvel Heroes and it isn't Monday?! Yes, yes she is! That's because today the game celebrates...

Marvel Heroes’ third anniversary offers free heroes, team-ups, and more

By the hammer of Thor, it's Marvel Heroes' anniversary once again! Best time of the year, it is. While some MMOs mark their birthdays with...

The Daily Grind: Are you MMOing on Memorial Day?

It's Memorial Day here in the States, which means it's the first of three holidays this summer we'll spend with cookouts and patriotic parades and family...

One Shots: Bride of the comments section!

While I love any of you forever if you email in One Shots submissions, I think it's time once again to delve fully into...

Exclusive: Marvel Heroes releases Iron Man highlight trailer

Iron Man may not be a new character to Marvel Heroes, but he's easily one of the best, and if you don't agree, humor me...
Boring space dad yay.

Massively Overthinking: Playing the game of timers in MMOs

Massively OP reader The Chief Turtle recently sent us a question that I think ties in neatly to the daily quests Overthinking we discussed a few...

Marvel Heroes offers instant streaming service

While it doesn't take super-long to log into Marvel Heroes, the thought of being able to click and play near-instantaneously is an attractive thought,...

The Stream Team: Captain America FTW in Marvel Heroes’ Civil War

In Marvel Heroes' latest event, players choose sides in the Civil War. MassivelyOP's MJ went #TEAMCAP, and in honor of that is going to...

New Marvel Heroes video features Captain America

It's too late to grab a free Captain America from Marvel Heroes' Civil War promo, but if you got him -- or decide to buy...

Fight for your side in Marvel Heroes’ Civil War tournament

Marvel Heroes' "most unique tournament to date" has started up, offering teams of players the chance to prove which one is one the right...

Content Design Lead Benjamin Gross leaves Marvel Heroes, joins up with NCsoft

Marvel Heroes players are starting to get wind of the fact that Content Design Lead Benjamin Gross is no longer with Gazillion. While he did...
To return where others have gone before, but not like this.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 64: To boldly return

Justin and Bree discuss Star Trek Online, Chronicles of Elyria, Marvel Heroes, WildStar, TERA, and LOTRO, plus a mailbag question on metacritic for MMOs.

The Stream Team: Choosing sides in Marvel Heroes’ Civil War event

There's civil war in the Marvel universe, and that means folks are choosing sides even in Marvel Heroes. So who does MassivelyOP's MJ root...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite type of grind in an MMORPG?

Grind is not a thing people generally love in MMORPGs, but what's actually considered to be grind varies wildly from player to player. You...

Marvel Heroes’ Captain America: Civil War promo is live (so get your free hero)

It's time to get your free Iron Man or Captain America in Marvel Heroes! As part of its massive Captain America: Civil War promotion, Gazillion has...

Civil War breaks out in Marvel Heroes

When the war breaks out, whose side will you be on? With Captain America: Civil War hitting theaters this month, Marvel Heroes will be right there...
Could mean anything.

Marvel Heroes treks to Asia, new platforms this summer

Gazillion announced this morning that it's partnering with cloud-streaming service Ubitus to launch Marvel Heroes in South Korea and Japan this summer with China...
She's on vacation.

Marvel Heroes’ frustration over Emma Frost feedback

The problem with getting feedback from a game's community is that sometimes the community's passion overrides the desire for useful feedback. That's part of...

The Stream Team: Exploring with Elektra in Marvel Heroes

Elektra has finally joined the cast of Marvel Heroes, and MassivelyOP's MJ has been waiting a while to play her, so of course she...

Elektra joins Marvel Heroes today as its 57th playable character

The badass assassin known as Elektra joins Marvel Heroes today as the MMO's 57th playable toon, complete with her iconic red outfit. "Elektra attacks...