marvel heroes

Official Site: Marvel Heroes
Studio: Gazillion Entertainment
Launch Date: June 4, 2013
Sunset Date: November 27, 2017
Genre: Superhero MMOARPG
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

The Stream Team: MOP’s 12-hour Kickstarter countdown extravaganza

We're down to the wire, folks! Our Kickstarter clock is ticking down, and there are only 12 hours left in one of the greatest reroll...

Choose My Adventure: Right-Click Sampler Platter Edition

It's been a crazy month. Since writing my farewell Choose My Adventure on Massively-X-Joy-Gadget--vs-Capcom-Turbo, I've sent a few hundred emails, helped raise a huge...

The Stream Team: Shooting Squirrel Girl to 60 in Marvel Heroes

During her last two Midtown Madness adventures in Marvel Heroes, MassivelyOP's MJ was able to get Squirrel Girl from level one to 52. But...

The Daily Grind: Do you get MMO event fatigue?

Based on how many awards it won last year and how many Massively OP writers and guildies have been sucked into it, I know...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 3

Justin and Bree discuss SWTOR, Guild Wars 2, Marvel Heroes, EverQuest Next, Storybricks, Neverwinter, Crowfall's Kickstarter, and Skyforge, with mailbag questions on Livefyre and MMO IPs.

Marvel Heroes to start selling limited edition costumes

One of Marvel Heroes' big money makers is the game's sale of iconic costumes for player heroes. In addition to creating and selling normal...

Marvel Heroes adds Arachne team-up, starts Mardi Gras

It does seem as though any popular superhero will inevitably drum up a bunch of me-too imitators, from Batgirl to Wonder Dude (who totally...

Perfect Ten: My favorite MMO pet classes

Most folks have certain class traits that appeal to them. Some love being that long-range archer sniper, while others get juiced on the feeling of...