marvel heroes

Official Site: Marvel Heroes
Studio: Gazillion Entertainment
Launch Date: June 4, 2013
Sunset Date: November 27, 2017
Genre: Superhero MMOARPG
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

Disney has canceled Marvel Heroes, Marvel has ended its relationship with Gazillion

We can now confirm this as real, following a statement made by a Marvel representative to Massively OP. We're updating below. According to Kotaku, Disney...

Marvel Heroes’ update silence has stretched to four weeks; here are the latest developments

I'm afraid we still can't say that Marvel Heroes is going to be OK, as we've now gone an entire month since the last...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 143: BlizzCon strikes back

Justin and Bree discuss BlizzCon, WoW's Battle for Azeroth expansion and legacy servers, Marvel Heroes' drama, the fate of Motiga and Runic, DCUO, WildStar, Kritika, and Wild West Online, with a mailbag question on MMOs that lock classes and races behind paywalls.

Marvel Heroes has now missed three weekly updates in a row as Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters

It's now been two weeks since we've had any word on the state of Marvel Heroes, as today marks the third missed Friday update in...

Marvel Heroes studio Gazillion has fallen eerily silent – here’s what we know about the sexual misconduct allegations and missed updates

Something weird is going on at Gazillion. On October 20th, the studio delayed its regular Friday Marvel Heroes update summary, promising details on Monday. Almost...
Well, goodbye

Loki joins the Marvel Heroes console crew

Hope you enjoy hearing about the reincorporation of characters that were already in a game a long time ago, because there's a long road...

Marvel Heroes ports Black Bolt to console

Console Marvel Heroes fans have another thing to look forward to this week: Gazillion has launched playable Black Bolt on PS4 and Xbox One,...

Marvel Heroes gets Age of Apocalypse on consoles, while Gaz is working on a new game

Marvel Heroes has had a fairly quiet summer following the Omega showdown earlier this year, but there's a clear reason for that: Gazillion is...

The Stream Team: Just another Marvel Heroes Monday

Of course you don't wish it wwere Sunday because that would mean no Marvel Heroes Monday! It's been a little while (read: much, much...
Only 90s kids

Check out a (very brief) Venom trailer for Marvel Heroes Omega

If you were into comic books in the '90s, you probably remember a point where Venom was all over everything. He was like Spider-man,...
Only 90s kids

Marvel Heroes is bringing Venom to consoles – but only for two weeks

Want to experience the heights of joy and the depths of despair in the same sentence? Here you go, straight from Marvel Heroes' Facebook...

Perfect Ten: MMOs that changed their names

Names and titles fascinate me. While sometimes they have no deeper meaning than to sound pleasant and be memorable, a label can indicate purpose,...

Massively Overthinking: Female characters and gender-locked classes in MMOs

One of the reasons I gravitated to and stick by the MMORPG genre in spite of its many ups and downs (oh, so many...

Marvel Heroes explains tomorrow’s Omega Prestige system, says it will come to PC later

Maybe you've heard of this new Marvel Heroes Omega Prestige system and have been wondering, "What in Sam Hill is that all about?" Now...
Very dynamic.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 133: Gaming Gamescom

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, Secret World Legends, LOTRO, sunsets for Ghost in the Shell Online and SkySaga, Closers, ArcheAge 4.0, Star Citizen's Gamescom demo, SWTOR, and WoW Argus, with mailbag questions on Marvel Heroes and MMORPGs as a drug, plus a PAX West preview.

Marvel Heroes buffs its console editions with Elektra and Defenders event

The Defenders-themed tie-in event that went live in Marvel Heroes for PC players earlier this week has now landed on Xbox One and PS4 as...

Perfect Ten: MMO experiments in transmedia synergy

We're not going to argue that MMORPGs are the dominant form of media entertainment these days, but they do have endurance and a devoted...

Trove’s subclassing system launches with Eclipse next week

A total solar eclipse isn't a common event -- the continental US hasn't seen one in almost 40 years. So it makes a lot...

The Stream Team: Checking out Marvel Heroes’ Carnage

The newest hero to join Marvel Heroes' roster is a bit of a violent fellow, but that's not turning Massively OP's MJ away from...

Marvel Heroes tempts console players into spending with its VIP account promotion

It's been said that if a studio can lure a player into making an initial purchase online through its game store, then the chances...