
The Daily Grind: Has multiguilding hurt MMO communities?

Earlier this week, several Massively OP staffers were debating the best way to set up MOP guilds in games where we were already in...

Massively Overthinking: Whither went the classic PvE MMORPG?

Today's Massively Overthinking question was sent via e-pigeon from Kickstarter donor Apollymi. No e-pigeons were hurt in the writing of this article. "Have you heard...

The Daily Grind: How much money have you spent on MMOs this month?

I bought EverQuest II's latest expansion yesterday, and along with my SOE Statio... er, my Daybreak All-Access pass and my Star Wars: The Old...

The Daily Grind: What makes an MMO’s inventory system special?

MMO inventories are often ignored systems unless they're either annoying or exceptional. Some hate the limitations they impose while others appreciate the tough choices...

Global Chat: Do you crave human interaction in MMOs?

I've long been an advocate of "playing alone together" in MMOs. While I enjoy grouping and teaming up to a degree, mostly I want...

Announcing the official MOP Marvel Heroes supergroup, Massively Underpowered!

You've probably noticed that several members of the Massively OP staff are obsessed with Marvel Heroes. Well, we thought it was high time to...
Bree's modded Oblivion game

The Daily Grind: What immersive RPG elements are missing from the modern MMORPG?

This morning's Daily Grind inquisitor is Kickstarter donor Nepentheia, who wonders about the "RPG" in MMORPG: What RPG elements that create a more immersive experience...

The Daily Grind: Do you get other stuff done while playing MMOs?

I listened to an audiobook while playing MMOs this weekend, and frankly I wish I'd thought of this before. Most of the MMOs I play...

MMO Week in Review: Salute to Smed (July 26, 2015)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review! Daybreak...

One Shots: Aerodynamically impossible

Back in the late '70s, the first Superman flick had the tagline, "You will believe a man can fly." Well, I look at the...
You made it sing, all right.

The Daily Grind: What MMO systems do you consider necessary evils?

I'm disinclined to run pretty much any tabletop game that outright uses character levels as a form of progress, and fortunately for me I...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: July 25, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Project Gorgon returned to Kickstarter. Veteran developer Eric Heimburg clearly believes in his fantasy sandpark, and why not? Gorgon...
This was entirely unsafe even in the planning stages.

WRUP: Win a personal deathtrap edition

People who read this feature, we are happy to announce that you have a once-in-a-this-article opportunity to win your very own personal deathtrap! This...

Betawatch: July 24th, 2015

John Smedley is no longer with us, by which I mean that he is still entirely alive and has not left us in the...

Leaderboard: How many MMOs have you played this week?

I guess my MMO habit is back in full swing, because after a few weeks of vacationing in the realm of single-player titles (and...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever used performance-enhancing drugs while MMOing?

Last week, a former pro e-sports player went on the record to say that he -- and pretty much everyone else in the top...

Massively Overthinking: Dealing with toxicity in MMO communities

This week's Massively Overthinking comes to us from Kickstarter donor Dahui, who asks, "What do you think MMO developers can do to try to minimize...

The Daily Grind: Have you played Guns of Icarus?

Every so often I check in with Guns of Icarus, a slick little multiplayer shooter featuring steampunk airships and tactical crew-based combat. Indie outfit...

The Daily Grind: What race do you wish Guild Wars 2 would add?

One of the things Guild Wars 2 players wanted in an expansion -- and aren't getting in Heart of Thorns -- is a new...

MMO Week in Review: Summer MMO launches (July 19, 2015)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review! July...